What You Don't Understand by Lance Manion - HTML preview

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Motorcycle Gangs Have Got To Go… But They Won’t

The question I’d like to put to you today is this: what kind of a civilization allows gangs of known criminals to roar around on motorcycles?

It makes you wonder. How does a decent society allow it? How did it get so bad that these scumbags feel they can publicly wear vests announcing to the world that they enjoy selling meth?

I guess, to be fair, those vests do suggest that these thugs are at least tolerant of homosexuality because they are about the gayest thing I’ve ever seen. Freddie Mercury would have thought they were a bit over the top. Fall asleep in one, and you wake up with a handlebar mustache.

These tattoo-clad villains want us to believe that they are somehow expressing their dual loves of freedom and comradery by dressing the same and hitting the open road on choppers when the fact is, these men/children are nothing but bullies. If they want to join a gang who uses the threat of physical violence to achieve their goals, they should just join any of the unions in the construction industry.

But no, instead they spend their time raping, murdering, and distributing narcotics like they are living in a warped video game. And what’s worse, we stand by and let them, even though they wear gay vests to let us know who the bad guys are.

I watch these TV shows where they interview cops about the various motorcycle gangs and they sit there and read off a litany of hideous crimes that they know without a shadow of a doubt that these men committed. They show videos where it’s clear exactly who is stomping someone to death. Then they explain why the six-year investigation resulted in exactly zero arrests.

Even these motorcycle thugs must find it hard to believe that they can tool around with guns and knives and get away with it.

In the unlikely event they are arrested, we get treated to an interview with them about how many things they did that they were never charged with and how they spent their time in prison, murdering rival gang members before they were eventually dumped back onto the streets to continue their rampage.

Of course, you might wring your hands and ask what is to be done. The blinders of justice are so firmly affixed to your head, that it never occurs to you that the solution is easy. So easy that we will never have to balls to do it. We would rather hide behind terms like due process and probable cause. Terms that ensure that we continue to get preyed upon by these pieces of filth.

The solution?

Acknowledge that we are in a war and treat these people as enemy combatants. Tell the police it’s ok to enforce laws and if these laws are broken by people wearing gay vests then it perfectly acceptable to shoot them in the head. Don’t romanticize the lifestyle and face up to what has to be done. Denial is just your way of avoiding responsibility for your culture.

Criminals have got to go. If they think they can wear gay vests and crash around intimidating law enforcement and decent people alike as they get into “turf wars” with other Neanderthals, then it’s time to stop playing nice.

Fuck them. Fuck them up. I’m sure that Larry the primate with the teardrop tattoo on his face and the spider web on his elbow is a wonderful human being, but if he wants to ride around with known scumbags, it’s time for Larry to be put in a box.

If I have to explain that groups of normal men who enjoy riding motorcycles and join clubs to engage in that activity together in a social setting should not be lumped in with the filth, then you’re probably too stupid or too cowardly to understand the point of this.

The alternative is to lose a war without even firing a shot.

Which we will no doubt do.