Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

I wish to be a sage, the same as what you are yourself. I will bill myself as Sven the Swedish Sage, even though I am actually Norwegian. I promise not to go into competition with you because I am a much younger man and do not have your years of experience, but any advice you could give me would be gratefully received.

Sven, Oslo

Dear Sven,

No problem, pal, I welcome competition. To become a sage you obviously have to go to sage school and I hope there’s one locally as distance learning sagacity is a definite no-no. It is a long and arduous process, learning to be a sage, and often requires years of training and eating fish. You will need to learn from yoga masters, zen masters and master bakers. This is not a profession for the weak of heart or soft of head, Sven, but I wish you well.


PS - I have seen The Heroes of Telemark twelve times.