Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

I am terrified of flying and have now found that I absolutely must take a flight to visit my daughter in Australia who has just given me a grandchild. What can I do to conquer this fear?

Mrs Lobo, Penrith

Dear Mrs Lobo,

As with most fears, they can only be overcome by taking things gradually. I would suggest standing on a chair for lengthy periods to start with. The flight from England to Australia takes approximately 12 hours, so that should be enough. Then, in slow stages, you increase the height you can tolerate. The top of the wardrobe would be a good next step. Try jumping onto the bed to get the feeling of actually flying. You will find it quite exhilarating. Soon you will be doing barrel rolls, and when you can achieve this, you will be ready for your first long-distance flight.
