Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

My girlfriend, Simplicity, and I have been courting for several months and she has now agreed to ‘give’

herself to me. This is a first for both of us and we are looking forward to it eagerly. However, we are unsure of the etiquette involved with such an event. Does one place a notice in The Times or play it low key?

Jerry, Kilburn

Dear Jerry,

This is an occasion which should be celebrated with as much gusto as you can manage. I would hire a brass band and a marquee if you expect a lot of spectators. Depending on the duration of the event, you might also have to provide catering and toilet facilities. I understand there are people who manage such events for a reasonable amount and you might want to hire one of these to allow you to concentrate on your arduous task. Also if you are in the least well-known, try to negotiate a healthy fee for the television rights.
