Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

I am part of an international gang which smuggles marzipan to Turkmenistan, where it is illegal. I am the gang’s ‘mule’ and carry the marzipan, usually 1lb, suitably wrapped in plastic, within a body cavity to allow me to pass through customs. However, our gang chief, Banjo Trevalyn, lost a lot in a poker game recently and needs to recoup his losses quickly. He has suggested that I take a consignment of 480 lbs of marzipan, worth at least $1.4 million in street value, on my next trip. I find the thought of shoving this quantity of any substance up my ‘cavity’ to be somewhat disturbing. Can you suggest an alternative? Please remember that Banjo has a foul temper, and a big stick.

Fingers, Detroit

Dear Fingers,

You must ask yourself this simple question, which do you fear more, 480 lbs of marzipan or Banjo’s big stick? Alternatively, inform Banjo that this quantity would flood the market, leading to a decrease in price and he obviously does not want that. In any case a Press Release from Turkmenistan Customs announces that their sniffer dogs can now search out marzipan so it seems that your career is over. This will probably come as a great relief to your ‘cavity’.



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