XPs with AI by Samhita Joshi - HTML preview

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Author’s Note

This book has been a result of collaboration between a human and an RNN (‘people’ call them BOTs but the words hold different meanings in Computer Science). You can’t just force a ‘bot’ to watch ___ and generate (completely by itself) ___. In the near future that might be the case—but NOT YET. Therefore, understand that this book has not been completely written by a ‘bot’—it’s called an RNN— for I never made the claim—and beware of fake claims done by some people.

To clarify further, I have had little-to-minimum interference—can’t say nil because I did interfere—grammatical correction and sentence promption (if that’s a word)—in what the RNN generated, and that’s why most of the book contents are non-sensical. But sometimes, this non-sense makes us laugh, and may it be the case this time as well.

There still might be errors lurking out in the chapters, but I chose to let them remain that way—because RNN generated!

Acknowledgements were also written with the help of an RNN.