Yet Another SE (Story of an Indian Software Engineer) by Simon - HTML preview

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Chapter 12 –An act of promotion


What happens when you commit a stupidity and still appreciate it?


You would commit an even bigger stupidity the? And this will continue till the time you accept the fact that your first act was actually stupid. Only then will you change the way of doing things.


Now, take the example of Priya. If this lady had taken a correct path for on-site, she would have got it by now. But she took the longer and more stupid route of ‘love’ to achieve the same. In this way she wasted her time, her effort and created an everlasting bunch of fools around her.


This was the reason that she was down despite being at the doorsteps of promotion. Also, by making dumb guys go after her, she had not yet got the opportunity of dating a real man.


I couldn’t have helped the lady as my love-life was settled already with Trisha. However, there was another guy who had the potential of changing her life. And he was none other than her original lover. He was the first guy who fell in love with her and got rejected by her.


Let me introduce you to my friend Mohit now. Mohit is one of those millions of emotional fools who go after the wrong girl (love is blind). Then they do whatever the girl tells them to do (love is deaf). And in spite of sensing her exploiting behavior, they allow themselves to be dumped by her to cry forever. (Love is dumb).


Luckily, the guy had learned from his mistakes and moved on with his career by applying some common sense. Finding it difficult to continue in the same firm as her, he had moved to another company. Here, he worked hard and was promoted to become a Technical Lead (ok! Some companies recognize work as well). Also, as I inquired, I came to know that the guy had been sent for a long term on-site to Britain.


In spite of all success, the guy had remained faithful to his failed love story. Even after two years of his break off, Mohit never went for another girl again. In short, Priya was his first and last love affair. And though he was rejected humiliatingly, he still nurtured the dream of making her his better half. (I told you, love is blind)


But why am I telling you all this? What had this got to do with my promotion?


Well fellows! I was thinking. What if both their dreams come true? What if this guy’s dream of marrying this girl comes true? What if Priya gets to have her long term on-site through marriage with Mohit? Then, she will leave her job to live ‘happily ever after’ in Britain and I will carry the burden of her promotion. Right!


As a start to my Game plan, I gave a call to Mohit that evening


Hi Rohit! What a surprise man? I just can’t believe that you are calling be here in London” replied Mohit


Just thought of surprising you dude! So, what’s happening there in London?”


I am just having a good time with my office and guitar here.”


Office? Guitar? C’mon man, you are in Britain now. You should travel to places, meet new people and enjoy with friends.”


All I wanted was to make him feel a bit more lonely and hungry for love. I wanted him to remember his better times he had with the lady. So that he initiates a conversation with her. However, the guy seemed to be happy without the girl.


Don’t worry dude! I have made many good friends here. We travel every weekend. I have already visited a number of places like Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, …”


It’s great to hear that. But you see Mohit, you cannot be with your friends all the time. I feel you should have a life partner now. She will be your real company and she will complete your life.”


I think you are right. My parents are searching for a bride. Anyways, how’s your life going?”


Oh shit! The guy’s parents were thinking about his marriage. And he seemed happy in life without her. I had to do something to make him remember his old love, Priya. Otherwise my promotion was at stake. So in a desperate attempt, I said


My life is going great Mohit. I am in love with a lady. Her name is Trisha. She is my first love. We keep thinking about each other. First love is real love. Do you still remember your first love?


At first, there was a long pause. And then a low voice appeared on my cell phone.


To tell you the truth, yes, I still remember my first love. I still remember Priya. We used to have such good times together. But she left me alone (crying). I heard that she has a new boyfriend now.”


Thank god! The guy still had the right emotions for the lady. I just had to push him a little more to get my work done.


You are right Mohit! She had a boyfriend. But he has left her now (She has rejected him now). She is sad and heartbroken. I suggest that you have a word with her. As you know her well, I feel you can soothe her mood.”


She is single again. I mean, Yes, I will try to soothe her mood. I will give her a call right away.”


No! Not so soon, Mohit. I will tell you when you can call her.”


There goes the desperate lover again. To save him from getting rejected and crying one more, I had to give him some useful tips.


Now that boy was ready for the patch up, I had the easier task of making the girl get inspired by his on-site. But as she was a girl and my colleague, I couldn't talk to her straight on the matter. There were heavy chances of her getting offended by my straightness. So I deployed the same 'you know what?' technique as most girls do to persuade Priya for the patch up.


The next day, I went for a cup of coffee with Priya again. This time I brought up a new topic of discussion


“Priya, I am tired of this job in India. I wish I could just settle abroad” I said


Same here, I also wish to settle outside India.” she replied


You know what? I heard that Mohit has been sent for a long term on-site to Britain by his company”


Really! I didn't know that. Is he still in contact with you?”


Yes, we speak occasionally. The guy has become really mature now. He has been promoted as a Team Lead.”


You mean Mohit is handling a team. Wow! That’s amazing.”


Yes, he has really changed Priya. We spoke recently. His parents are now looking for a girl who can settle with him in Britain. You know what? Such girls are so hard to find. ”


You mean he is still searching for a girl. I hope he gets a good life partner”


You know what? Yesterday, I was telling him about my love stint with Trisha and he got emotional. He still remembers the times he spent with you. I was thinking, if you people can be ‘good friends’ again.”


If he decides to keep the past behind, I am ready be his friend again.” she replied.


You know what? I had done it. Now I just had to get the guy to give a call to the lady. Both of them would be friends again. Then there would be the catch up, patch up and then the match up. Love would blossom again and the two would get married.


But unfortunately, Priya would have to leave her job to settle down with Mohit and I would have to handle her burden of promotion. …hehehe


It never occurred to me before that my promotion could be won by an everlasting love affair.


Chapter 13 –The Marriage Problem


It was another typical north Indian wedding. Everyone was dancing, eating and having fun. But there was one guy who was enjoying the most. He was dancing like mad. He was soaked in drinks. And he was eating like a pig.


No! He was not from the bride’s family and not from the groom’s either. He was not also the best of their friends. Then who was he?


He was none other than the guy getting his promotion from the marriage.


Stop drinking Rohit! You had enough.” said my lady love in a hot temper


Relax Trisha! I am in my friend's wedding. Let me enjoy.”


But no one is dancing and drinking like you are. Also, as we are not married yet, I shouldn’t be coming out with you in a wedding like this. It really looks odd.”


Don’t worry Trisha. The couple had asked me to bring you along. In fact, our love story was an inspiration for their marriage.”


What? You told them about us. How could you?” said Trisha in rage


You see a guy, that’s what happens when you drink a lot. Sometimes, you disclose things which you shouldn’t be disclosing. I had to make her calm in a loving manner.


Calm down Trisha. They are my very close friends. We share everything. When they were parting ways, I gave them the example of our love story to bring them close. And look they got married today.”


To divert her attention, I grabbed her hand and we started dancing. The lady looked at my eyes with love and care. And then she asked me the same old question


When are we going to get married?”


As soon as I get my promotion, dear”


When are you getting promoted?”


As soon as they get married, dear”




Never mind, our parents will be meeting soon to finalize our marriage date. Then we will get married and live happily ever after. Ok sweetie!”


My drunkenness was giving me away. I realized that it was time to go home. So I dropped the lady at her place and went back to mine.


The next morning my head was spinning like a top. I couldn’t remember much of my previous night disasters. However, like a bell, only one word was striking in my head again and again.


Marriage! Marriage! Marriage!


I was late for office that day. The office bus had left without me. I dressed up quickly and drove my car to the office.


As I entered my den, I saw everyone happy to see me. Suspecting something good I quickly reached my desk and opened my mailbox. A nicely written Promotion mail was waiting for me.


Yes, I had done it guys. I had become a Team lead now.


Everyone came to congratulate me on my achievement.


Well done Rohit. You really worked hard this time”, said Rajiv, my Team Lead who had himself been promoted as manager


Thank you Rajiv. I was very dedicated this time (to take care of Priya). Congratulations to you too for becoming a Manager.”


It was a proud moment for me. My salary figures had also increased. I could now afford to have a decent marriage and honeymoon abroad (Only decent, not lavish as I was still earning an Indian salary).


Trisha was over the top on hearing about my promotion and the new honeymoon package.


Wow! It’s amazing news.” She said


But, it was my old friend Atul who gave his word of advice for my new post.

Well don Rohit. Keep it up the good work. But you have to start acting like a Team Lead now. That means good leadership and great team management.”


I understand it, Atul. I assure you that I will be a worthy TL.”


Atul was right. My promotion had put new responsibilities on my shoulders. Being a TL now, I didn’t want to break the age old tradition of ‘not working’ at this position. Why to work when I could delegate the tasks to others? This way I could also avail the additional advantage of passing the blames while keeping the parises to myself. Not to forget, I would also show my loyalty and commitment to the bosses for exploiting the cheap SEs under me.


It happens only in India. As India was under foreign rule for 250 years, we are habitual with the work environment of bosses and slaves. And to keep traditions alive we have kept the familiar suppressing environment in our offices. Some people work while all others make them work. While I was in the US, I found some Americans with huge experience still coding, testing and working hard. It was really a terrible sight.


My manager soon gave me a new team to practice my bossism. This team was formed to handle a new proposal from the client. To my satisfaction, it was a perfect mix of working and non-working population. There was a fresher dying to impress me with his over the top hard work. While there was another who could make a mountain out of his minuscule contributions.


During the same time, my marriage preparations had also picked up steam. My parents had spoken to Trisha’s parents and my wedding date had been finalized. However, I didn’t disclose this Marriage date in my office for some time. I wanted to settle down with my position first. Asking for marriage leave just after my promotion wouldn’t have been an impressive move. However, this turned out to be my biggest mistake.


During a team meeting, our client gave us the final date of delivery. And guess what? The delivery date was none other than the date of my marriage. That was not all! My marriage Lagana (marriage time) was at seven in the evening that day and so was my delivery deadline.


My marriage date couldn’t be extended as according to Hindu calendar, the ‘Shradh’ month was falling after that. And according to our priest there was no marriageable day for a month from that day. More than anything else, Trisha parents were not ready to wait for more time.


Yes, I understand it Trisha. But we have a critical release on that date. No one else can take over the work. Listen! My team is new and I have to handle it…. Hello! Hello!... She’s cut the phone.”


When I turned back, I noticed my new desk neighbor, Varun is staring at me


Married?” he asked curiously


Not yet!” I replied


Is she a Software Engineer?”




Yes! I knew it. My wife is also not a Software Engineer. She also drops the phone in the same manner… hahaha”


His laughs sounded like a warning bell to me. He was right. Only, a software engineer could understand the plight of another.


It’s true that being a team lead, I didn’t have to work now. But I had to keep a check on everyone working