neXt by Lance Manion - HTML preview

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puzzled pieces

If you choose to, you can connect any two things. Or any three.

Or everything.

Perhaps the greatest misconception people have is believing life is a puzzle, with specific pieces coming together to form a pre-determined picture. Perhaps all pieces go together and there isn’t any one picture that’s being created. Maybe the picture is different for everyone. Maybe any two pieces can fit together with a little work.

Perhaps some people have an eight-piece puzzle they finish early and spend the rest of their lives enjoying or regretting.

Perhaps others enjoy 50,000 pieces or a puzzle that’s completely blank with no clues how the pieces go together or even a 50,000-piece puzzle that’s completely blank and they know that they’ll reach the end of their lives without finishing it and they’ll be fine with that or they’ll regret it.

Maybe at some point, a puzzle metaphor will grow tiresome to anyone unfortunate enough to start thinking about it but even then, they’ll have to admit that connecting a puzzle metaphor to anything else you can think of is as easy as pie.

Even pie.

If everyone on the planet is connected by seven people, maybe that means dwarves are only connected by three because it’s a much smaller community. Maybe things can be funny to think about but still be true.

Maybe the guitar solo from Freebird is all you need to prove String Theory. Maybe things don’t have to be funny to be true.

Maybe eyebrows are nothing more than mustaches that sit over people’s eyes.