International Books
World Wide White Revolution
The main person in this book is named Henk. Henk is a model citizen, who finds himself trapped in a rapidly changing world. A world in which the government has decided it will control all aspects of daily life. Even worse the government is hell bend on destroying the native population of Europe...
فَيضٌ مِنض الحُب-أولُ الندى
It's a spiritual book, my first attempt.All it's articles are as a spiritual reflection for life experiences. I was trying to express mine, and others life experiences in a way of meditation or prayer to give some hope and peace.
Shunya Budget Krishi Hindi Ebook
A book on Cow based Zero Budget Farming by Ritesh Singh.
Le Journal de Nos 20 Ans
A magazine commemorating the 20 years of Swami Dayanand Institute of Management (SDIM) now under the aegis of Universite des Mascareignes, Mauritius.
Syarah HIKAM
Syarah HIKAM oleh Ibnu Abbas. Oleh Mohamad Nasir Bin Majid, (Tok Faqir An-Nasirin), Seberang Takir, Terengganu Darul Iman.
XING Erfolgreich Nutzen
Jetzt Gratis: Erfahren Sie in dem exklusiven XING erfolgreich nutzen - Einsteigerhandbuch, wie Sie: Ihre Vertriebsanbahnung automatisieren und den Vertrieb auf "Autopilot" stellen Ihren Umsatz und Bekanntheitsgrad kurzfristig um 50% steigern über 10 Millionen XING- Kontakte kostenfrei für Ihre...
Hvad er NLP? Bind II
Hvad er NLP? - læs skønne historier om, hvordan Sacha får brug for de mange værktøjer både på jobbet og hjemme hos mand, børn og blandt veninder. Sachas beretninger er fra hendes virkelige liv ... men de kunne sikkert lige så godt være hentet i dit liv? - find dig selv i Sachas...
ஏழைகள் செல்வந்தராவது எப்படி?
It is not impossible for poor to become rich. There are some wrong steps and a few right steps. All wrong steps were explained in my previous book titled EzaikaL. This book tells all that stands in the way of poor becoming rich and methods to overcome.
અતીતના ઊંડાણેથી ...
મને મળેલ સ્વામિનારાયણ સંપ્રદાયનો અમુલ્ય વારસો - My Spiritual Travelogue.
Apne Apne Antardwandwa
A must read book for the youth and special women. Ideology about love, relation, society and so on...