International Books

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Showing results: 371-380 of 833
Obrisi Predaka - Zbirka Ukrajinskih Biografija

Obrisi Predaka - Zbirka Ukrajinskih Biografija

HUD Zagreb | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Biografije Ukrajinaca u domovini i svijetu. Autor: Sergej Burda, 2015.

Riwayat Hidup Yasodhara

Riwayat Hidup Yasodhara

Zinck | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, TXT

The Life of Yasodhara or in Bahasa "Riwayat Hidup Yasodhara" is an ebook which is telling us about the life story of Princess Yasodhara - the wife of Prince Siddhartha Gotama, the Buddha. It was not a coincidence that Siddhartha and Yasodhara became a husband and wife in their last lifetime...

Travesuras, Cuentos de un Rey

Travesuras, Cuentos de un Rey

Joana A Park | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Joana Acevedo Ocasio y Delia Marquez Bird transportaran su mente a un mundo adonde Reyes y Reinas existen. A traves de los ojos de Amelia usted experimentara inocencia, traiciones y su eterno amor por Thomas. Cuando la confiansa se ha ido y todo es incierto. Que harias por amor?

Diseño Web Corporativo

Diseño Web Corporativo

Nicolás Quezada C. | International
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

E-Book - Guía Practica de Diseño Web Comercial orientado a empresas, profesionales y organizaciones.Cómo posicionar a su empresa en el mayor mercado de clientes existente hoy: Internet.

भारत का सांस्कृतिक विकास: जरूरत आत्म-अन्वेषण की

भारत का सांस्कृतिक विकास: जरूरत आत्म-अन्वेषण की

Santosh Jha | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

एक बेहद मासूम सी गुफतगूं की आरजू, शब्दों की सतरंगी पोशाक पहनने की जिद ठाने बैठी थी। मैंने उसे डराया भी कि शब्दों से...

ஓட்டங்கள்  (Spirituality Through Eyes of Science)

ஓட்டங்கள் (Spirituality Through Eyes of Science)

Natarajan Nagarethinam | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

This is the second book on Spirituality after The Dalgal. Understanding spirituality is difficult for common man. So I am taking readers through small steps. My next book titled illusions will tell more and take one right up to the door steps.engineers, medical professionals physics trained can...

Blessings Everytime

Blessings Everytime

Yulia Murdianti | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Blessings Everytime akan mengajak siapa saja yang membacanya untuk menyelami peristiwa-peristiwa dan pengalaman-pengalaman ‘biasa’ dalam hidup dan menemukan makna luar biasa yang terkandung dari setiap pengalaman tersebut. Buku ini diharapkan dapat ...

उघड़ी आंखोंक स्वींड़

उघड़ी आंखोंक स्वींड़ | International
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF

This is a Kumaoni ( A Local Language of Uttarakhand India) poetry e-Book.

Comunicação Organizacional: Externa, Responsável, Multidisciplinar.

Comunicação Organizacional: Externa, Responsável, Multidisciplinar.

Gino Giacomini-Filho; Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

This book discusses de organizational communication under external, responsible and multidisciplinary aspects.

A Russian Matryoshka

A Russian Matryoshka

Tya | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

It's a short story that will let you feel magic while reading talking about an alive doll that will metamorphose into a matryoshka. Read it to know what's a matryoshka and get a new experience of this short story.