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This is the year 2017 and we see that the GCC countries are witnessing a remarkable transition in their stride to adopt the principles of sustainable energy and its associated roadmap. This book is a great addition to the field of sustainability, and I wish to commend the author, Dr. Rashid Alleem, for his commitment and ongoing research to raise awareness through this book and his many other previous works and publications in this field. Current and future energy leaders will greatly benefit from the insights provided in Dr. Alleem’s book, and I encourage readers to follow Dr. Rashid’s inspiring messages.

From our perspective, we believe that investing in sustainable development is no longer just a luxury for well-off societies, but is,  in fact, an essential global survival tool for both the present and the future generation. In another context, sustainability is the art of mastering a simple yet complicated equation between human activities and the natural world.

The sustainable development goals in this book are the global compass for nations’ collective efforts toward a sustainable future, through an integrated approach in addressing economic, environmental, and social issues, while avoiding the overconsumption of key natural resources.

Sustainable development is achieved through many avenues, and one key avenue to consider when setting future development strategies is to advance the conservation of our natural resources by progressively changing the ways in which we develop and use technologies to evolve our societies, economies, and lives overall.

His Excellency Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza

Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, Bahrain
