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Technology as a Boon

Imagine, for a moment, life without the evolution of technology. No e-mails, no smartphones, no computers. How would you find it? For me, life would seem quite toilsome and operose because nowadays we have made ourselves so dependent on technology that it has become a very important part of our life and one of the key ingredients for the survival of mankind in this fast-moving world. I am sure you will agree with me on this. The development of new technology helps people in many aspects these days, and has grown so big that we cannot imagine our life without it. It saves lives, helps people make work easier, and makes the world a better place to live in. Let us discuss some of its importance in diverse fields.


Education is developing as time passes by. And now education has been integrated with technology. It acquires innovations that were uncommon in the past. Today, teachers use projectors as their teaching tools—no more blackboard with chalk. Yes, this is innovation. It is the time of smart screens, laser pointers, and e-mail communications with students. As we all know, learning and adopting something is easier when we visualize it rather than only listen. Visual presentations through technological devices have lessened the load of work for professors and allow them to make learners easily understand. Thanks to technology for making education easy and interesting.


It is a boon for employers to have online education. Going back to school is an appealing option for many people, but they cannot afford to quit their jobs to be a full-time student and drive to campus to attend classes. If this sounds familiar, an online or distance learning program is a solution that allows you to learn a subject in depth and have the flexibility to fit your studies around your work life by following your own schedule.

While all of this sounds alluring, there are a few things to consider before starting online classes. How long will it take to earn a degree? How often and how much will students interact with the instructor and other students? How much will it cost? How do I know whether a school is accredited? And most importantly, how will employers perceive it? Students who wish to take online courses should  do their homework in advance to ensure that the time, effort, and money they spend provide them with maximum benefit. Do consider these things and breathe easy by opting for online degree courses. Further, enjoy top-class teaching and benefit from the convenience that comes with studying online.


Technology has a lot of use on the medical front. Nowadays, it has become easier for doctors to treat critical diseases and operations using technology. In the past, when technology was not so developed, it was very difficult for doctors to identify diseases; however, now technology is helping enough to not only identify them but also cure them. There are still many diseases without a cure, and there are still many treatments for diseases that need to be improved. That is why scientists are also trying to discover different kinds of medicines and supplements that can help our body fight diseases.


Surgeons at Al Qasimi Hospital in Sharjah successfully saved Emirati Salem Mohammad’s life by operating on his heart without opening his chest cavity, believed to be a first in the UAE, thanks to the pinpoint precision provided by robotic surgeries (da Vinci Surgical System).

We used to see and hear about such surgeries on TV and documentary programs, but now such procedures have become a reality, thanks to the hospital leadership for making use of such technology and innovation.

According to the Gulf News, the 62-year-old UAE national from Fujairah was suffering from chest pain because of a total blockage of his left anterior descending artery. This artery branches off to the left coronary artery in the heart and supplies blood to the front-left side of the heart.

Dr. Arif Al Nouriani, cardio consultant and head of the Cardiac Catheter Unit and CEO of Al Qasimi Hospital, told Gulf News, “The patient had had an angioplasty [procedure used to open blocked or narrowed coronary arteries] done two months ago. He was referred to us for further examination and action.”

The patient was operated on Thursday, November 27, 2014, using the da Vinci Surgical System. Dr. Rafiq Abu Samra, head of the Cardiac Surgery Unit at Al Qasimi Hospital, collaborated with a team of surgeons from Belgium for the surgery.

Dr. Al Nouriani said, “Currently, the patient is well. He was having breakfast the next day after the operation. He was mobile, and without any big scar in his chest. He can go home on the third or fourth day.” He also added that the surgery’s success is significant because it increases the success rate of the patient’s recovery. The procedure also allows patients to recover quickly without having to suffer pain through an open-heart surgery. Besides no ugly scars, the patient can quickly go back to his normal life, and proudly I say that this type of procedure for UAE nationals is shouldered by the government. The same surgery costs $82,000–140,000 abroad.


Technology is everywhere. Even when we are traveling, we are using technology. Travel booking, hotel reservation, and transportation are some of the greatest developments in our technology—from a bicycle comes a car, a train, a ship, and a plane. Without these developments, life would have been very tough, and traveling from one place to another would have wasted a lot of our time.

Use of technology has no end. There are a lot of technologies that still need to be invented. Let us keep challenging tomorrow!

Alleem Research and Development

The Alleem R&D center was established on November 17, 2015, under the theme Keep Challenging Tomorrow with the mission “To work with individuals and innovative organizations to improve social, economic, and environmental living conditions worldwide, thus helping to improve the quality of life for hundreds of millions who have not yet seen the benefits of sustainable development and inclusive growth.” The Alleem R&D center focuses on Alleem sustainable development goals (ASDGs): quality education, creativity and innovation, technology research and development, peace and security, tolerance, happiness, good health and well-being, water sustainability, affordable energy, environment and natural resource security, controlling climate change, overcoming financial and economic crises, competitiveness, international trade and investment, children’s rights, food security, ending extreme poverty, women empowerment, employment skills and human capital, sustainable inclusive growth, and international cooperation.

Emirates Mars Mission | Hope

Space opens up for women with talent and ambition. The 29-yearold Sarah Amiri works as Emirates Mars Mission science team leader at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center (MBRSC). It gratifies me to write that on February 10, 2016, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, appointed her as chairperson of the UAE Council of Scientists. They aim to launch the unmanned spacecraft “Hope,” which is the first-ever Arab step to another planet. According to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the name “Hope” was chosen because “it sends a message of optimism to millions of young Arabs.” No doubt that optimism, confidence, and ambition can deliver the greatest achievements no matter where.

“Hope” will be launched in the summer of 2020 and is scheduled to reach Mars in 2021 for the 50th anniversary of the UAE. The aim is to understand the seasonal changes that are occurring on Mars. The “Hope” spacecraft will advance human knowledge about the atmosphere and climate on Mars, about which very little is known. This mission will produce the first truly global picture of the Martian atmosphere and will study how the lower and upper layers of the atmosphere interact with each other. It will also search for connections between today’s Martian weather and the ancient climate of the Red Planet (Mars).

Speaking of her selection, Amiri told Gulf News, “I take this as a strong indication that the UAE has a dynamic, sustainable government and a leadership that has a great vision on how to take the country forward and understand the challenges of moving in a fast-paced world and not being worried about change, but actually embracing the change. When it comes to science and technology, the leadership understands that we need to move towards a knowledge-based economy, and one of the foundations of this economy is science and technology, which we need to build upon, and the government sector is one of the cornerstones of that economy. The other cornerstones are the private and academic sectors. This brings different sectors to the table. This is a new era for the UAE. We’re always at the cutting edge of change in the region, and that’s what we hope to see moving forward.”


One of Asia’s good examples of excelling R&D is the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ISRO, the space agency of the Indian government, is headquartered in the city of Bangalore. Giv en impetus by the vision of Vikram Sarabhai (considered the father of the Indian space program), the ISRO has the prime objective to “harness space technology for national development.” As Vikram Sarabhai said in 1969, “There are some who question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us, there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon or the planets or manned spaceflight. But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society.” Following Sarabhai’s vision, ISRO established a number of projects, with one notable example being the Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV), which  is used to launch Indian national satellites (INSAT). The operation was successfully executed on April 18, 2001, when they launched their first flight, GSLV-D1/GSAT-1, as well as 11 satellites of India’s GSLV. What a success!

The recent launch was that of the rocket GSLV-F09 (i.e., the 11th flight) on May 5, 2017, at 4:57 p.m., carrying the GSAT-9 (also known as the South Asia Satellite) from the second launchpad of the Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota, the spaceport of India. This satellite, equipped with modern instruments, is meant to provide communication and disaster support and connectivity among countries in the South Asian region. Its mission life will span 12 years.

Seven UK Universities

Let us take a look at one of my experiences at SEWA on April 24, 2016, when the organization received a delegation from seven UK universities; namely:

  • University of Salford
  • Swansea University
  • London South Bank University
  • University of Huddersfield
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • De Montfort University
  • Nottingham Trent University

A discussion was held regarding the universities’ cooperation in the field of scientific research. SEWA was selected for the visit, by reason of its stature as THE BEST model in the region in the field of sustainable development and environmental conservation. Moreover, SEWA is the first among the Arab electricity and water authority bodies to procure ISO 50001 energy management certification.

I briefed the visitors about the various initiatives that SEWA has undertaken in the field of research and energy studies, water management, renewable energy, and the environment. They also learnt about the SEWA way of energy efficiency and SEWA’s effort in the application of the 15 winning principles in all its endeavors.

All in all, it was a prestigious occasion, and I swelled with pride because they had chosen SEWA and my sustainability model for their research studies. “Pat yourself on the back, Rashid!” I said to myself.

The Mirror Project

There was a time when, tucked in between steep mountains, the Norwegian town Rjukan was mostly shrouded in shadow for almost six months a year, with residents having to catch a cable car to the top of a nearby precipice to get a fix of midday vitamin D.

However, October 30, 2013, was a special day for the Rjukan people, as faint rays from the winter sun reached the town’s market square for the first time owing to a system of gigantic mirrors set up on the mountain to give Rjukan a sunlight boost.

Actually, 100 years ago, Sam Eyde, an industrialist and the town’s founder, had suggested putting mirrors on the mountains to beam sunlight down, however, because of the absence of modern technology, that idea did not come to fruition until 2005, when local resident and artist Martin Andersen launched the Mirror Project.

Rising in silver splendor over the mountains that enfold their little town, the mirrors cast a pool of bright light around them. In the new morning, they cast shadows on the town square. Real shadows at last!

Energy Investment Forum and Solar Expo Begins in Bahrain

On September 17, 2017, the electricity and water affairs minister  of Bahrain, Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, inaugurated the first Energy Investment Forum and the Solar Technology Energy & Environment in Bahrain Expo 2017 (STEEB) at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Center. It was a three-day forum, and I am glad to write here that I was one of the keynote speakers on day one of STEEB, one of the most important international exhibitions and conferences on renewable energy.

This is a platform to showcase the latest energy and services of the solar energy industry equipment, which is also developing international relations and creating new job opportunities. STEEB 2017 attracted many professionals, project developers, investors, exhibitors, solution providers, and pioneers to address challenges and opportunities related to reducing energy consumption and production.

In his keynote speech, Dr. Mirza said the Bahraini established the Sustainable Energy Unit in 2014, which is a testimony to the leadership’s resolve to diversify energy sources. He outlined the unit’s achievements, pointing out the benefits to be drawn from renewable