Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Fairy Comes To Anoint Me


When I light a lamp in the evening to give me some light and might

It brings in those fond memories when we used to talk about our plight

All the lights in the home seem dull and dark even if they are switched on

The dancing stars and twinkling moon are no more romantic to follow on

There is a reason for all these sorrows and pains in the life of a man like me

When I was good I was very good but now there is no one as depressed as me

If things have happened and my home is all-lonely the fault dear rose is only mine

I let you down and could not care for you enough so you are not able to shine

When you were around, my world was peopled with prince and princesses

Now my heart is all broken ready to hear the sad voices and distresses

There are many a quiet night when in my disturbed slumber and deep dream

My pretty lotus descends from the heaven above to feed me with ice cream

With a blushing grace I fall upon my knee and conduct a silent prayer daily

 A little tender maiden comes in my dreams to anoint me like a real fairy.