Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I Miss Her


The day My Pretty Lotus passed away

I was broken and couldn’t find my way

I tried to take a break to relax in life

My heart ached and I missed my wife


The pain inside my heart hurt me badly

The eyes revealed many stories very sadly

Some old, some new treasured memories

It seemed we were together for centuries


The pain of losing a dear one is so deep

This sorrow disturbs the peaceful sleep

It’s all lonely here and it’s difficult to bear

Life without her hurts the heart like spear.



The Pretty Lotus of My Pond


The timeline of my life has fond memories that last

The ins and outs of life of years that have gone past

There are segments of places, time and of all events

They drift through the mind and make deadly tents



We both loved, lived, laughed and liked our family life

All our choices were simple cos she was a perfect wife

Our fond memories filled our soul with great creation

We shared a common goal throughout our destination


My angel passed away giving the heaven another soul

That tore the fabric of my life and left me with a hole

I can feel the open space because my life has ceased

She’s gone to rest in peace but how can I be pleased


The life of my Pretty Lotus can never be severed ever

She’s alive in my heart and mind this day and forever

The timeline shows me she’s blessing me from above

My Pretty Lotus of my pond is singing softly like a dove.