Dream To Forever Last
When my days are darker and the nights are cloudy
Heart pains, eyes search and my head goes all giddy
There’s nothing to do but think of you and only you
I reach out wanting to see that light that brings you
I get the glare and the shine but I still can’t find you
I want to hear the sweet voice that tells me it’s you
I’d like to hold you tight and get the same embrace
When I get nearer I see you and I in different place
You’re in heaven and I’m still dwelling in sinful hell
My wish is to hold your hand cos I’ve stories to tell
When I open my eyes to begin the tales of our past
I know it is only a dream but hope it to forever last.
You’ve become but a distant fond memory of the past
The flashbacks and the foregrounding all make a blast
They haunt and force me to hum that often sung song
The parted soul would meet one day right or wrong.