Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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To Love And Cherish Her Again


The time has come to turn back the clock

Let me go back to that early college day

She said I could be her prince of the block

To live a long family life and enjoy all day


She wanted me to build a home in a village

Ask all our friends, family and others to see

On that farm we would enjoy all our tillage

That’ll be the heaven to live and die with me


So I wedded my princess and brought her home

She loved the company and gave me all the joy

We flew, travelled; we sailed to sit in the dome

She bore children raised them with special ploy 


We worked well and retired to live a happy life

Life was treating us well on all moves and steps

She was gone when a lightening struck our life

I tried to save her and prayed hard on all steps


God stole her soul and planted it in the heaven

I was left at home to repent, cry and to mourn

I was left to start a life anew away from heaven

It wasn’t that simple to live even if I was reborn


So I planted a rose in the garden of my sad heart

To ensure she lived there to smell the fragrance

There wouldn’t be any thorns to pierce our heart

No tears to dim the eyes with sad remembrance


I pledged to see there were no stones in the path

No bruised feet here and no sad goodbyes forever

Our new life will be plain sailing for our new bath

We’d clean both our souls to let them live forever


My daily prayer now is not to turn the clock back

The time that has passed should never bother me

Thorns and rocks that lie ahead be placed in sack

Thrown in the deep sea and let her live with me


The past gone days become all her fond memories

Her soul to merge within me and I live my life again

I want to be the charming prince of her memories

To love and cherish her for the rest of my life again.