Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Beloved  Wife I Miss You.


In my first ever prayer of my life

I prayed for you to be my wedded wife

I was granted this wish of my life

When you became my pretty wife


Life changed when we got married

I enjoyed the joy and the love I carried

Our every day was blissfully fine

Nights were short but you were mine


Our love bloomed when you used to cook

I began reading you as my favourite book

You and I promised to look, live and love

I was your hero and you became my dove


You looked prettier and nicer every day

I became a devoted lover you would say

We realised we were made for each other

We loved our life and adored each other


Days went by, years passed, we moved on

Our family life flourished and we moved on

Together we nourished four lovely children

Our love deepened nothing remain hidden


We dined we shined and we rolled along

We loved everything all that came along

You and I shared a fantastic family life

I could see that you were a perfect wife

You became my pretty lotus full of fun

Children were our joy as bright as sun

Our future was bright we had joy galore

Our love livened and we reached ashore


We travelled the world loved places afar

Cruises, flights and many trips by a car

The voyages led us love each other more

We didn’t know we were to face the sore


You had blessed my life with love and joy

When I started to look like a happy boy

Our life changed and you began to fade

After half a century our life lost a shade


You collapsed in my arms I felt helpless

I wanted to talk but you were breathless

Paramedics took you away gave me hope

Miracles do happen we go up find a slope


The last three days were a torture for me

I waited for a revival and a miracle to see

You were gone when your life support turned off

My dreams were shattered when all lights went off


I have cried everyday since you went away

I did not know how I could make you stay

I miss your fond memories and all your glee

I wish I could get you back to live with me



You want me to be happy living a lonely life

I know that it is very difficult without a wife

Everyday that goes by your memories haunt

I am all distraught and cannot go on a jaunt


I miss all your laughs and all your tender care

I miss your cooking your love and all the flare

I cannot believe that you are gone from my life

You are an angel in my heart and still my wife.