Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Nowadays I like this game of life that I play

Sometimes I close my eyes and then fade away

My body mind and soul float to a special place

It is beyond the stars the moon and the space

In this sacred place when I open my eyes to see

There are only two people there, my Saroj and me

All is beautiful here and feeling of love is right

There’s no pain, no sorrow everything is bright

There’s compassion, understanding no sadness

There’s no interference and no such madness

We’ve our own rules of love and our own ways

There’s no wall to separate us we like our days

There’s no one to disturb us, we do what we want

We don’t only love but we show how we chant

Chanting stops and the game comes to an end

My eyes open and reality sets in and I descend

Those few moments were very soothing and lovely

I’ve liked the game and want to play again surely

If Lakhan loves this game he should play it often

Saroj will give him company, and the pain will soften.