Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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It is a sad thing in life is when you meet and begin to love someone very dearly and who begins to mean a lot to you and then suddenly you find out after an enjoyable period of living together for over half a century that it was never meant to be forever. Your beloved passes away and you are left alone to face the new life alone. So what do you do? Lament, grieve, become devastated and go berserk with pain and sorrow of loneliness or you just have to let go.


I had no choice but I had to go on living because it was her command. The hardship, sadness and inability to tolerate the loss cannot be fully understood by anyone but you yourself.


This presentation has been designed to heal my sufferings and these have assisted me to overcome my sorrows somewhat but I have a long way to go to fully recover. I may not be able to succeed until I join My Pretty Lotus in the next life. Until then I was told to keep living, loving and thinking of her. That is what I am doing and will continue to add to this volume as my feelings and sorrows dictate and enable me to do so. There is no end to this publication and after my death this should be published by my children as a memorial of our instinctual and unconditional love. The people could then read and appreciate the love life of Saroj and Lakhan.                     

                      Ram Lakhan Prasad