Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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The morn was bright the day you left us for good

You took to the sky with your usual happy mood

The wind and cloud whistled through your hair

When your precious soul began dancing in the air

I heard you say your goodbye to all those you love

Your departed soul ran through the clouds up above

That day ended my life but you seem to be content

You may have felt that is where all good ones went

All the loved ones you left behind to mourn and cry

You know none was ready to say the last goodbye

Your presence always filled my life with unique flare

This poor soul has a life that is now all cold and bare

We laid you to rest in peace you looked so pleasant

It was a solemn scene the ones you loved were present

All who who spoke shared memories and stories told

They talked about your life from younger days to old

I am not sure when all our hearts will start to mend

We know it is hard to lose a wife, a mother and a friend

Every day when the new day begins we look at the sky

We raise our heads but we only see some birds that fly

Our nights are darker and the moon does not shine

The clouds are grey and the fogs cover your shrine

The wet mist of my tears is all cold and foreboding

My future is unknown and I am surely corroding

The parrots and birds of our garden sing no more now

The dawn is dull and dark and the sunset is all-dim now

The deeper pain of my emotions knows no end at all

My heart and soul continue to wail, groan and fall

The roses of my garden no longer give off that scent

The perfume of joy you gave me has all been spent

Where has that anticipation gone and where is my life

There is only stark despair when I do not have my wife

Unquenched longing and loneliness are all I expect now

Darkness, sorrows and fears are all my emotions now

Do you not see that my lonely soul is crying out for you?

All is so desolate, all is so cold but where can I find you?


