metralla f. grape-shot
mezquino, -a wretched
mi my
mí me
miedo m. fear; tener ~ be afraid mientras while; during; ~ que while; ~ más (menos)...
más (menos) the more (less)... the more (less) mil thousand, a thousand
militar military, martial
millón m. million, a million
mina f. mine
ministro m. minister; ~ de Estado Secretary of State minuto m. minute
mío, -a my; el mío, la mía, mine
mirada f. glance, gaze, look
mirar look at, regard, gaze upon, see; mira que consider that, remember that
misa f. mass
misericordia f. mercy
mísero, -a miserable, wretched; ~ de alas for mismísimo, -a selfsame; el ~ diablo the very devil himself mismo, -a self, same, very
misterio m. mystery, mysteriousness, secrecy mitad f. half; middle, midst
modelo m. model
modo m. way, manner; de cualquier ~ in any way possible; en cierto ~ in a certain sense; de ~ que so that, in such a way that; con discretos ~ s cleverly
mofa f. mockery, ridicule
momento m. moment, instant; al ~ instantly, at once monarca m. monarch
monta f. importance, moment
monte m. mountain
montón m. heap; a ~ es in great abundance monumento m. monument
morada f. abode, dwelling
morar live, dwell
mordaza f. gag
moribundo, -a moribund, at point of death
morir irreg. die; ~ se die
mortal mortal; near death
mostrar irreg. show
movimiento m. movement, motion
mucho, -a much; pl. many
mucho much, very, greatly
mudar change; ~ de change one's
mudo, -a mute, silent
mueble m. piece of furniture
muerte f. death; a ~ o a vida life or death! a forlorn hope muerto, -a ( pp. irreg. of morir or matar) dead, killed; exhausted
muestra f. sample; sign, indication
mujer f. woman
mundo m. world
muralla f. wall (of town)
musa f. muse, inspiration
mustio, -a sad; languid
muy very, very much nacer irreg. be born nación f. nation
nada nothing, anything; enough
nadie no one, nobody, anybody, somebody
nariz f. nose
narizado, -a big-nosed
narración f. narration, narrative, account Nasón Publius Ovidius Naso, Latin poet, born 48 B.C., died 18 A.D.
natural natural
naturalidad f. naturalness
navío m. ship
necesario, -a necessary
necesitar need
necio, -a foolish, ignorant, stupid
necio m. fool
nefando, -a abominable
negar irreg. deny
negocio m. business, affair, occupation negro, -a black, dark, gloomy, wretched; negro afán dire anxiety
nema f. seal
nequáquam by no means, not a bit of it
ni nor, neither, not even; ~ aun not even nicho m. niche
nido m. nest; berth
nieta f. granddaughter
nieto m. grandson
niña f. child, girl
niño m. child, boy
nivel m. level
no no, not
noble noble, illustrious
noche f. night; de ~ at night; esta ~ to-night; buenas ~ s good night; ~ de truenos stormy night, black night nombrar name, appoint
nombre m. name, fame, reputation; en su ~ for him; juro a mi ~ upon my honor
nos us, to us
nosotros, -as we, us
notar note
noto m. south wind
notorio, -a notorious; público y ~ see público nube f. cloud; ~ s de arrebol brilliant sky nuestro, -a our, ours; el nuestro, la nuestra, our, ours nuevo, -a new, fresh; qué hay de ~ what is the news; de ~
again, anew
numen m. divinity, muse; inspiration
nunca never
nuncio m. messenger, harbinger
nupcial nuptial o or; ~... ~ either... or obedecer irreg. obey
obediencia f. obedience
obediente obedient
obligación f. obligation
obligar oblige, force
obra f. act; pl. behavior, actions obrar operate, act
observación f. observation, remark
observar observe
obtener irreg. obtain
Ocaña f. see note
ocasión f. occasion; a ~ dichosa at just the right moment ocioso, -a idle
ocultar hide
oculto, -a hidden
ocupar occupy; ~ se de occupy one's self in, concern one's self about
ocurrencia f. occurrence; witty sally, idea ocurrir occur
ocho eight
odiar hate
odio m. hatred; pl. hatred
oficio m. business, office, occupation ofrecer irreg. offer, volunteer
oh oh
oído, -a ( pp. of oír) heard
oído m. hearing, ear
oír irreg. hear, listen
ojo m. eye
ola f. wave
Olivares proper name
olvidado, -a ( pp. of olvidar) forgotten; forgetful olvidar forget; ~ se de forget
olvido m. forgetfulness; oblivion
opinión f. opinion
oponer(se) irreg. oppose
opuesto, -a ( pp. of oponer) opposite oración f. speech; sentence; prayer
orar pray
órden f. order, command, direction
órgano m. organ
orgullo m. pride
origen m. origin
orilla f. shore; morir ahogado en la ~ fail with success within one's grasp
Ormuz m. Ormuz, cf. note
oro m. gold
os you, to you
osado, -a ( pp. of osar) daring, presumptuous osar dare
oscuridad f. obscurity, darkness
oscuro, -a obscure, dark; a oscuras in the dark Osorio proper name
ostentoso, -a ostentatious
Osuna Osuna, cf. Hist. Introd.
otro, -a other, another
Ovidio cf. Nasón Pablo proper name pábulo m. food
padecer irreg. suffer
padecimiento m. suffering
padre m. father
padrón m. pattern, model; column, post with inscription; ~
de infamia mark of infamy
paga f. pay, reward
pagar pay, pay for
pago m. pay, payment; fee
paje m. page
pajuela m. sulphur match; piece of wicking dipped in sulphur
palabra f. word
palaciego, -a of the palace
palacio m. palace
Palermo m. Palermo, see note
pálido, -a pallid, pale
palma f. palm
palpar feel
pan m. bread
papel m. paper
papelito m. ( dimin. of papel) slip of paper par m. pair, equal, peer; sin ~ unequaled, matchless; a ~
para for, to, in order to; estar ~ be about to; ~ que in order to, in order that
parabién m. congratulations
parar stop, put a stop to; ~ se stop, pause pardiez by Jove
parecer irreg. seem; me parece I think; al ~ apparently; ~
se a resemble
pared f. wall
pareja f. pair, couple
parentela f. kindred, relations
párpado m. eyelid
parte f. part, place, spot; en cualquier ~ anywhere particular particular, special; personal, private partida f. departure; ¡de ~ ! on our way!
partir part, divide; depart, start; share
pasar pass, happen; pierce; pass out; qué pasa por mí what is happening to me, what is wrong with me
pasearse walk about
pasión f. passion
paso m. step, passage, way; al ~ immediately; a ~ largo hurriedly, quickly; abrir ~ make way for; cerrar el ~
prevent, interfere; dar un ~ take a step, move; dar ~ make way; dejar ~ let pass, make way for
patria f. country, fatherland
pausa f. pause
paz f. peace; venir de ~ a friend ( answer to challenge of sentry)
pecar sin, err
pecho m. breast, chest; heart
pedazo m. piece, fragment
pedir irreg. ask, ask for, demand
pedrisco m. hailstorm; shower of stones pegado, -a ( pp. of pegar) fastened, joined peje m. fish; ~ espada swordfish peligro m. danger
peligroso, -a dangerous
pena f. pain, trouble, affliction, penalty pendiente pending, hanging in air; unfinished
pensamiento m. mind, thought
pensar irreg. think, intend
pensativo, -a pensive
pensión f. pension, toil
peor ( comp. of malo) worse, worst pequeño, -a small
percance m. mischance, misfortune
percibir perceive, feel; collect
perder irreg. lose, ruin; ~ se be ruined, be lost perdido, -a ( pp. of perder) lost, undone perdón m. pardon
perdonar pardon
peregrino, -a strange
perfección f. perfection
perfectamente perfectly; all right, well and good permanecer irreg. remain
permitido, -a ( pp. of permitir) permitted permitir permit
Pernambuco cf. note
pero but
perpetuo, -a perpetual
perro m. dog
perseguir irreg. pursue, beset, persecute persona f. person
personaje m. personage; character (in theater) persuasión f. persuasion
pesado, -a heavy, stupid, serious
pesar weigh, cause regret, trouble
pesar m. regret, sorrow; a ~ de in spite of; a su ~ in spite of herself
peso m. weight
pesquisa f. search, inquiry
petición f. petition, appeal
picante piquant, keen, stinging, hot
pie m. foot; al ~ de at the foot of, beside; al ~ de la letra literally
piedad f. mercy; por ~ for pity's sake piloto m. pilot
pinta f. edge line on card denoting suit; outward appearance
pintado, -a ( pp. of pintar) painted; os está que ni ~
nothing could be more becoming to you
pintar color, paint
pío, -a pious, devout
piropo m. compliment
pista f. trail, track, clue
pistola f. pistol
placer irreg. please, content; plega a Dios God grant placer m. pleasure; ser de ~ be agreeable, be enjoyable plan m. plan
plantar plant; ~ se el sombrero put on one's hat plaza f. city square
plazo m. space of time, term
plazuela f. ( dimin. of plaza) little square plegaria f. prayer, petition
pleito m. lawsuit; estar en ~ be in the courts, be in doubt pliego m. sheet of paper, folded paper pliegue m. fold
plomo m. lead
plugo pret. of placer
pluma f. feather, quill, pen
pobre poor, wretched
poco, -a little, pl. few, a few, some; un poco a little; poco a poco little by little
poder irreg. can, be able, be able to do, be powerful; ~ lo todo be all-powerful; no puedo más I have reached the end of my resources; puede que it is possible that; ~ se be possible
poder m. power
poderoso, -a powerful
podrido, -a ( pp. of podrir) rotten, decayed podrir irreg. decay
poeta m. poet
Polimnia the muse of pantomime
polvo m. dust
pólvora f. powder; gastar la ~ en salvas waste one's strength
pompa f. pomp
poner irreg. place, put, put on; ~ se become; ~ en claro clear up, explain; ~ en salvo save; ~ en escena stage; me ha puesto descolorido el semblante has made me turn pale; ~
preso put under arrest
por by, for, in order to, from, for the sake of, through, over, on, in,about, around; ~ debajo beneath; ~ decirlo así so to speak; ~ eso that is why; ~ fin finally; poner ~ obra execute;
~ este lado on this side; ~ el contrario on the contrary; ~
cierto certainly, be sure; ~ qué why
porque because, for, in order that
portal m. portal, entrance, vestibule porte m. nobility; size, quality, nature; bearing Portugal m. Portugal
portugués, -a Portuguese
porvenir m. future
pos: en ~ afterward, behind; en ~ de after posada f. inn, lodging
postrer see postrero
postrero, -a last, final
póstumo, -a posthumous
practicable practicable, usable
precio m. price
precipicio m. precipice; brink
precipitación f. precipitation
precipitarse rush
preciso, -a necessary, essential
preeminencia f. preëminence
preferencia f. preference
preferir irreg. prefer
pregunta f. question
preguntar ask (question)
premio m. reward, prize
prenda f. pledge, noble characteristic prender irreg. arrest; fasten
preñado, -a ( pp. of preña
Dec 2024
Neue Sichtungen zum echten "Berg Mamilch" enthüllen Überraschendes... wobei sich die Frage auftut: wer gab der Bergwelt um das Schweizer Pilatus-Massiv die bi...
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