El Sombrero de Tres Picos-Historia Verdadera de un Sucedido que Anda en Romances Escrita Ahora Tal y Como Pasó by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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ilustre, adj. , illustrious, exalted, 13, 13.

Ilustrísima (Su), see note to 11, 23; trans. , his Lordship.

ilustrísimo, ma, adj. , most illustrious, 43, 11.

imparcialidad, f. , impartiality, judicial tone, indifference,

46, 26.

impasibilidad, f. , impassibility, 108, 7.

impedir, v. a. , to hinder, to prevent.

imperar, v. n. , to reign, to hold sway, 7, 5.

imperial, adj. , imperial.

ímpetu, m. , impulse; 58, 24, violence, vehemence.

impetuosísimo, ma, adj. , very swift, 77, 23.

imponer, v. a. , to impose, 117, 10.

importancia, f. , importance.

importante, adj. , important.

importar, v. n. , to import, to matter; to count, to be of consequence.

imposible, adj. , impossible.

imposición, f. , imposition, restraint, 75, 11.

impreso, sa, adj. , printed, in print, 3, 27.

impropio, pia, adj. , unsuitable, 24, 9.

imprudente, adj. , imprudent; indiscreet, inconsiderate,

11, 10.

incapaz, adj. , incapable.

incertidumbre, f. , uncertainty.

incitante, adj. , 41, 12, tempting, exciting.

inclinar, v. a. , to bend, 35, 19.

incomodar, v. a. , to incommode, to put out, 63, 28.

incontinenti, adv. , immediately, forthwith.

incontrastable, adj. , resistless, irresistible, 38, 17.

indecente, adj. , indecent; 81, 4, filthy. 203

indecible, adj. , indescribable, unspeakable, 19, 5.

indefinible, adj. , indescribable, inexplicable.

independencia, f. , independence.

indescriptible, adj. , indescribable.

Indias, fpl. , Indies.

indicación, f. , suggestion, direction, 104, 15.

indicar, v. a. , to indicate, to point out, to mention.

indignación, f. , indignation.

indisculpable, adj. , inexcusable.

indispensable, adj. , indispensable.

indivisible, adj. , indivisible.

índole, f. , nature, character, 73, 6.

indomable, adj. , unconquerable, indomitable, 80, 18.

inducir, v. a. , to persuade, to induce, 102, 10.

indudablemente, adv. , doubtless, 61, 4.

indulgencia, f. , forbearance, forgiveness, 104, 23.

inexplicable, adj. , inexplicable.

infame, adj. , infamous, vile, 108, 1, 119, 23.

infamia, f. , infamy, shame, dishonor; act of infamy,

shameful deed, 69, 18.

infantil, adj. , childish, infantile, 25, 2.



la —, 82, 22, the unhappy woman, the poorthing, the poor creature.

inferior, m. , inferior, subordinate, 49, 12.

infierno, m. , hell.

informe, m. , investigation, information, "character, " 27, 7.

infortunado, da, adj. , unfortunate, unhappy, ill-fated.

infortunio, m. , calamity, misfortune, 100, 18.

infundado, da, adj. , unfounded, groundless.

infundir, v. a. , to inspire, to instil.

ingeniero, m. , engineer, 20, 16.

ingenio, m. , wit, understanding, talent, disposition.

ingenuo, ua, adj. , ingenuous, frank, candid.

inherente, adj. , inherent, necessary, 87, 9.

inhumano, na, adj. , inhuman, cruel.

iniciar, v. a. , to begin, to initiate, 122, 23, etc.

injuriar, v. a. , to wrong, to injure, to insult.

injusticia, f. , injustice.

inmediatamente, adv. , immediately.

inmediato, ta, adj. , immediate; next, nearest, neighboring.

inmejorable, adj. , beyond improvement; unsurpassed, 18,

5. 204

inmenso, sa, adj. , immense, 36, 6.

inmodestia, f. , forwardness, pertness, 125, 26.

inmortal, adj. , immortal.

inmotivado, da, adj. , groundless, without motive,

incomprehensible, 121, 18.

innoble, adj. , base, vile, ignoble, 48, 7.

inocencia, f. , innocence.

inocente, adj. , innocent.

inocentemente, adv. , innocently.

inolvidable, adj. , never to be forgotten, immortal, 3, 19.

Inquisición, f. , Inquisition.

inseguro, ra, adj. , uncertain, 100, 14.

insensato, ta, adj. , mad, insensate, 73, 10.

insigne, adj. , distinguished, exalted.

insistir, v. a. , to insist, to persist(en).

insolencia, f. , insolence.

insolente, adj. , insolent.

insolente, m. , insolent fellow, 50, 15.

insondable, adj. , unfathomable, 36, 1.

inspiración, f. , inspiration.

inspirar, v. a. , to inspire, to cause ( dat. of person, acc.



m. ,



al —, 87, 19, this instant,immediately.

instinto, m. , instinct.

instrucción, f. , instruction, 66, 10.

instrumento, m. , instrument.

insulto, m. , insult.

intención, f. , intention.

intenso, sa, adj. , intense, 70, 15.

intentar, v. a. , to try, to attempt.

interiormente, adv. , inwardly, 60, 24.

interlocutor, m. , used as adj. , 67, 24, interlocutor, speaker,speaking, replying.

intermitente, adj. , intermittent.

interminable, adj. , interminable, endless, without end.

interpelar, v. a. , to speak to, to address; pp. , 60, 13, personspoken to.

interponerse, v. refl. , to interpose, to interfere.

interrogar, v. a. and n. , to ask, to inquire; to question, tointerrogate.

interrumpir, v. a. , to interrupt.

íntimo, ma, adj. , intimate.

intransitable, adj. , impassable, difficult of passage, 10,


intrépido, da, adj. , intrepid, 54, 19.

inundar, v. a. , to flood, to inundate.

inútil, adj. , useless. 205

invadir, v. a. , to invade, 44, 9.

invencible, adj. , invincible, 112, 18.

inventar, v. a. , to invent.

invernadero, m. , winter house, winter dwelling, 20, 29.

invierno, m. , winter.

invocar, v. a. , to invoke, to call upon.

ir, v. n. , to go; to be; to become; to go, to lead ( of a road); tobe at stake; to be, to feel ( of health); to concern, to touch;

— a,to be about to, to be going to;
















vamos a ver, 98, 22, let's see, we'll see;

¿cómo va de salud? 62, 12, how's your health, how are


en ello mevan, I have at stake, there are at stake, 58, 8; es a lo que iba, 48, 23, this is what I was getting at;

¿qué tal vamos? , 84, 6, how are you,how are you feeling?

no va con usted, 57, 2, does not concern you; fue ahablar, 35, 27, was going to speak, tried to speak; fue a dar otro paso,he was about to take another step;

iba en, 67, 23, was riding, wasriding on; ¡vamos!












no te vayas a caer, 30, 13, don't go and fall; ¡vaya!




vaya que tú, 113, 7, can it be that you,how about you;

¡vaya si me ahorcarían! 74, 20, wouldn't they just hangme!

vaya con Dios, expression of dismissal or leave taking,


6, etc. ,


vaya mucho con Dios, 98, 12, go your way, go in peace;

—se, v. refl. , to go, to go away.

iracundia, f. , malice, spite, 40, 3.

ironía, f. , irony.

irónicamente, adv. , ironically.

irremediable, adj. , irremediable, beyond repair.

irresistible, adj. , irresistible, 41, 15.

irrisorio, ria, adj. , ludicrous, ridiculous, 25, 14.

isla, f. , island.

Italia, f. , Italy.

izquierda, f. , the left, the left hand.



adj. ,


( ant.

derecho, cha).


jamás, adv. , ever; never.

jamón, m. , ham.

jaraiz, m. , wine-press; pit for pressing grapes; see note to

21, 4. 206

jardín, m. , garden, flower-garden.


f. ,





ponerse en —s, 31, 29, to putone's hands on one's hips, to put the arms akimbo.

jazmín, m. , jasmine, jessamine, 20, 27, 21, 4.

jefe, m. , chief.

Jesús, m. npr. , Jesus; see note to 39, 4.

jiba, f. , hump, 74, 29.

jícara, f. , cup, sp. a chocolate cup, 8, 6.

joroba, f. , hump, 26, 8.

jorobado, da, adj. , hunchbacked, 25, 21, etc.

jorobado, m. , hunchback.

José, npr. m. , Joseph; see note to 39, 4.

Josefa, npr. f. , Josepha, 28, 16.

Jovellanos, npr. , see note to 13, 8.

joven, adj. , young.

Juan López, npr. m. , John Lopez.

Juanete, m. , 51, 19, dim. of Juan, John, Jack.

jubón, m. , waist, shirtwaist, 37, 10, 125, 25.

San Judas, npr. m. , Saint Jude.

Judit, npr. f. , Judith, 2, 28.


m. ,






juez, m. , judge.

jugador, m. , gambler, 51, 1.

jugar, v. n. , to play ( games, etc. ), 20, 4; ¡no se juega conmigo! you can't play with me, trifle with me, 89, 21.

juicio, m. , judgment, common-sense, "senses," 17, 22, etc. ;

a mi —,to my way of thinking, 113, 17; malos —s, 124, 8, evil judgments.

jumenta, f. , she-ass, 59, 8.

jumento, m. , ass; beast of burden.

junco, m. , rush, 14, 21.

juntamente, adv. , together; at once, at the same time, 27,


junto, ta, adj. , together.

juntura, f. , joint, 72, 5.

juramento, m. , oath.

jurisconsulto, m. , jurisconsult; man learned in the law; lawyer, 125, 8.

jurisdicción, f. , jurisdiction.

justamente, adv. , exactly, just so, 114, 20.

Justicia, f. , Justice; the Law, 55, 4, etc.