cuente, pres. subj. of contar.
cuente, imperat. of contar.
cuento, pres. of contar.
cuento, m. , tale; ser mucho —, it is too bad; it is too much.
cuerda, f. , cord, spring, force; por bajo —, adv. , secretly.
cuerd-o, -a, prudent.
cuerpecito, m. , little body.
cuerpo, m. , body.
Cuesta, prop. noun.
cueste, pres. subj. of costar; — lo que —, at any cost.
cuestión, f. , question.
cuidado, m. , care, fear, solicitude.
¡cuidado! , look out! take care!
cuidados-o, -a, careful.
cuidar, to care for, look after, take care.
culpa, f. , fault, transgression.
culpable, guilty.
cultivar, to cultivate.
cumplir, to fulfil, complete.
cuna, f. , cradle.
curar, to cure.
curiosidad, f. , curiosity.
curiosill-o, -a, somewhat curious, a little curious.
curso, m. course, course of lectures.
curva, f. curve.
custodiar, to guard.
cuy-o, -a, whose.
charla, f. , chatter.
charlar, to chatter, chat.
chic-o, -a, small, little.
chico, m. , little one, little boy.
chifladura, f. , mania, whim.
chillido, m. , cry, scream.
chiquilla, f. , little girl.
chiquillada, f. , puerility, childishness.
chiquill-o, -a, small, little, ( a diminutive of chico).
chiquillo, m. , little boy.
chiquitín, -a, small, little, young.
chiquitit-o, -a, little, young.
chiquit-o, -a, little, young.
chispear, to sparkle.
¡chist! an exclamation (silence).
¡chitón! hush!
chopo, m. , poplar tree.
da, imperat. of dar.
Dante, prop. noun.
daño, m. , harm, damage.
daños-o, -a, harmful.
dar, to give, cause, make; — un paso, to take a step; refl. , —
tono,to praise one's self; — a, to look out upon, open into; —
parte, toinform; — prisa, to hurry.
de, of, to, with, in, by, at.
dé, pres. subj. of dar.
deber, to owe, ought; — de, must have; — ser, must be.
deber, m. , duty.
debid-o, -a, due, proper.
debiera, imp. subj. of deber.
débil, weak, feeble.
debilidad, f. , weakness.
debió, pret. of deber.
decente, decent, becoming.
decidir, to determine, decide.
decir, to say, tell, call; es —, that is to say.
decir, m., saying; es un —, it is a way of speaking.
decisión, f. , decision.
declaración, f. , declaration.
declarar, to declare, explain.
decoración, f. , decoration.
decorar, to decorate.
decoro, m. , honor.
decoros-o, -a, decorous, decent.
dedicar, to dedicate.
defender, to defend.
defensa, f. , defense.
defensor, m. , defender, protector.
defiende, pres. of defender.
defiende, imperat. of defender.
defiendo, pres. of defender.
dejar, to leave, allow, let, forsake, cease, disturb.
dejo, m. , accent.
del = de + el.
delantal, m. , apron.
delante, adv. , before; — de, before.
delegado, deputy, delegate.
deleitar, to delight.
deletrear, to spell.
delicad-o, -a, delicate.
delicios-o, -a, delicious.
delirar, to rave, talk nonsense.
delirio, m. , delirium.
delito, m. , crime, transgression.
demás, besides; los —, the others.
demasiad-o, -a, too great, too much, excessive.
demasiado, adv. , too much, excessively.
demonio, m. , demon.
demos, pres. subj. of dar.
demostrar, to show, demonstrate.
demuestra, pres. of demostrar.
den, pres. subj. of dar.
dentro, adv. , within; — de, prep. , within.
deprimir, to humble.
derech-o, -a, right, straight, just.
desabrimiento, m. , dejection, asperity.
desafiar, to defy, challenge.
desagradar, to displease.
desagraviar, to make amends.
desairad-o, -a, unfortunate.
desaliento, m. , dismay.
desamparada, forsaken.
desapacible, rough, disagreeable.
desaparecer, to disappear.
desatar, to untie.
desatinar, to talk nonsense, be wild.
desavenencia, f. , discord, dissension.
desazón, f. , uneasiness, trouble.
desbaratar, to destroy.
descalabrar, to wound the head.
descansar, to rest, repose, pause.
descanso, m. , rest, peace.
descargo, m. , discharge, acquitment.
descarriar, to lead astray.
desconfiar, to distrust, doubt, suspect.
desconocer, to ignore.
desconocid-o, -a, unknown.
desconozco, pres. of desconocer.
desconsolad-o, -a, disconsolate.
descontar, to discount.
descubiert-o, -a, bare, uncovered.
descubierto, past part. of descubrir.
descubrimiento, m. , discovery.
descubrir, to discover.
descuidar, to neglect, relieve from care, not to care; refl. , to benegligent.
desde, prep. , since, after, from; — que, conj. , since; —
ahora, adv. , immediately.
desdichad-o, -a, unfortunate.
desear, to wish, wish for, desire.
desempeñar, to take, accept, fulfil.
deseo, m. , desire, wish.
desequilibrio, m. , lack of equilibrium.
desesperación, f. , despair.
desesperad-o, -a, desperate.
desgracia, f. , misfortune, calamity; por —, unfortunately.
desgraciadamente, disgracefully.
desgraciadísim-o, -a, very unfortunate.
desgraciad-o, -a, unfortunate.
deshacer, to destroy, crush.
deshonrar, to dishonor.
desidia, f. , indolence.
deslumbrante, dazzling, brilliant.
desmayad-o, -a, pale, weak.
desmayo, m. , dismay, terror, fear.
desmoralizar, to demoralize.
desorden, m. , excess, confusion, disorder, turmoil.
despacio, gently, little by little.
despachar, to despatch, send off, be busy, be engaged.
despacho, m. , office.
despedir, to take leave, dismiss, discharge.
despediste, pret. of despedir.
despertar, to awake.
despiadad-o, -a, cruel, heartless.
despidiendo, pres. part. of despedir.
despierta, imperat. of despertar.
despierte, pres. subj. of despertar.
despiert-o, -a, awake, vigilant.
desplegar, to display.
despliegan, pres. of desplegar.
desplomar, to overhang, burst out.
despotismo, m. , despotism.
despreciar, to despise, disdain, scorn.
desprecio, m. , contempt, scorn.
desprender, to free one's self.
después, adv. , afterward, since, then; — de, prep. , after.
desquiciar, to unhinge, shake.
destacar, refl. , to be detached.
destinar, to destine, appoint.
destornillad-o, -a, rash, thoughtless, indiscreet.
destrozo, m. havoc, destruction.
destructor, -a, destroyer.
destruir, to destroy.
destruyamos, pres. subj. of destruir.
destruye, pres. of destruir.
desvalid-o, -a, destitute.
desvanecer, refl., to vanish, fade away.
desvanecid-o, -a, vague.
desvarío, m. , caprice, delirium, wildness.
desvergonzad-o, -a, impudent, shameless.
desvirtuar, to take away the strength.
detener, to stop, detain, check, stay.
detengas, pres. subj. of detener.
detengo, pres. of detener.
determinación, f. , resolution, determination.
determinar, to determine, decide.
detestablemente, detestably.
detestar, to detest, abhor.
detiene, pres. of detener.
detrás, behind.
devoción, f. , devotion.
devolved, imperat. of devolver.
devolver, to return, restore.
devorar, to devour, swallow.
di, pret. of dar.
di(me), imperat. of decir; — que sí, say yes, say so; — que no, sayno, of course not.
día, m. , day; el mejor —, adv. , some fine day, one of these days; de —, by day; el — de mañana, in the future.
diablillo, m. , little demon, little rascal.
diablo, m. , devil.
diablura, f. deviltry.
diabólic-o, -a, devilish, diabolical.
diálogo, m. , dialogue.
diámetro, m. , diameter.
diariamente, daily.
Díaz, prop. noun.
dibujar, to draw, sketch, design, outline.
dibujo, m. , drawing, sketch.
dice, pres. of decir.
dicen, pres. of decir.
dices, pres. of decir.
diciendo, pres. part. of decir.
dictar, to dictate, suggest.
dicha, f. , joy, pleasure.
dich-o, -a, past part. of decir.
dichos-o, -a, happy, blessed.
diera, imp. subj. of dar.
dieron, pret. of dar.
diez, ten.
difícil, difficult.
difícilmente, with difficulty.
dificultad, f. , difficulty.
difunt-o, -a, dead, deceased.
diga, pres. subj. of decir.
diga, imperat. of decir.
digamos, pres. subj. of decir.
digas, pres. subj. of decir.
dignidad, f. , dignity.
dign-o, -a, worthy, suitable.
digo, pres. of decir.
dije, pret. of decir.
dijeron, pret. of decir.
dijisteis, pret. of decir.
dijo, pret. of decir.
diligencia, f. ., diligence, business, affair.
dínamo, f. , dynamo.
dinero, m. , money.
dio, pret. of dar.
Dios, m. , God; pl. , gods; ¡por —! for goodness sake; ¡—!
gracious; ¡— mío! dear me.
diplomático, m. , diplomatist, astute person.
dirá, fut. of decir.
dirás fut. of decir.
diré, fut. of decir.
diría, cond. of decir.
dirigir, to direct.
discernimiento, m. , discernment.
disciplina, f. , discipline, training.
discípula, f. , disciple, scholar.
discípulo, m. , disciple, scholar.
discret-o, -a, discreet, ingenious.
disculpable, excusable.
discurrir, to devise, invent, contrive.
discusión, f. , discussion.
disentir, to dissent, disagree.
disfrutar, to enjoy.
disgusto, m. , disgust, grief, ill-humor.
disienta, pres. subj. of disentir.
disimular, to hide, disguise.
disimulo, m. , dissimulation; con —, quietly, secretly.
dislocad-o, -a, restless.
disparar, to shoot, go rapidly.
disparatar, to act or talk absurdly.
dispendios-o, -a, costly, expensive.
dispensar, to excuse.
displicencia, f. , displeasure, dislike.
displicente, fretful.
dispón, imperat. of disponer.
disponer, to dispose, prepare, arrange.
disponga, pres. subj. of disponer.
dispongamos, pres. subj. of disponer.
disposición, f. , disposition, aptitude.
dispuesto, past part. of disponer.
disputar, to dispute, argue.
distancia, f. , distance.
distinción, f. , distinction.
distinguir, to distinguish, favor, honor.
distint-o, -a, distinct, different.
distraer, to distract.
distraído, past part. of distraer.
divagar, to wander.
divers-o, -a, different.
divertid-o, -a, joyous.
divertir, to amuse, entertain.
divinidad, f. , divinity, goddess.
divin-o, -a, divine.
doble, double.
doce, twelve.
doler, to pain, give pain.
dolor, m. , pain, affliction, grief, sorrow.
dolorid-o, -a, afflicted, grieved, tormented.
doloros-o, -a, painful, sorrowful.
dominar, to rule, dominate.
dominio, m. , dominion, authority.
don, m. , a title used before the baptismal names of men.
donaire, m. , witty saying, joke.
donde, where, wherever.
¿dónde? where? ¿a —? whither? ¿de —? whence?
doña, f. , a title used before the baptismal names of women.
dormidit-o, -a, asleep.
dormir, to sleep.
dormitorio, m. , dormitory.
Dorotea, f. , Dorothy.
dos, two.
doscient-os, -as, two hundred.
dotar, to endow.
doy, pres. of dar.
dubitativ-o, -a, doubtful.
duda, f. , doubt.
dudar, to doubt.
dudos-o, -a, doubtful, uncertain.
duele, pres. of doler.
duelen, pres. of doler.
dueña, f. , mistress.
dueño, m