GURU by Suresh J Pai - HTML preview

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THE DHARSHAN OF THE GURU TO A DISCIPLE is a moment of great joy and an unforgettable event, experience. Every disciple looks for that happy moment. An aspirant, when he meets Guru with love and respect for the first time, has some expectations from Guru. So also Guru has expectations from an aspirant. Even Guru from His side exhibits his greatness in terms of expression, compassion and love. It is an occasion when inner feelings are expressed by both Guru and the disciple. At the first sight itself the disciple undergoes tremendous transformation and the magnetic force of Guru creates an urge to be in the company of Guru incessantly. The gain is priceless and beyond expression. His half of the journey gets completed at the first sight only and the remaining half will be subject to rigorous testing by Guru. It is a moment of joy, inner satisfaction, confidence and love. When the Guru, the most revered person, appears before us, all negative tendencies cease to exist. Also, all worries, tensions, flaws disappear from the mind In the matter of spiritual knowledge, all progress depends on the mercy of spiritual master. Hence, the disciple should make all efforts to keep Him happy by following the principles taught by Him. GURU GIVES SPIRITUAL BIRTH to the disciple when he meets Him. Guru lives for the sake of disciples only. Guru's living is not for His own sake but for promoting spirituality. He has a larger concern His real concern is for disciples and nothing else. He is least interested in the worldly affairs. Guru facilitates spiritual progress. Guru's intervention in disciple's destiny is too subtle to be detected. A disciple who has a meeting with Guru carries away with him his own unique subjectiv e experience, awakening of inner spirit urge and a feeling of purification and contentment. Darshan essentially here means his inner connection with