GURU by Suresh J Pai - HTML preview

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Hey Paarvati!, Guru protects His disciple if he is cursed by sages, Gods and Pannagaas (serpents) or when he is afraid of death. One is sure to be perished soon if he is cursed by Guru or due to the anger of Guru. There is no doubt about that. Even Gods cannot save such a person. Hey Goddess! The mantra which comprises of alphabets "Guru" is the king amongst mantraas. It is evident from the utterances of Smriti, Vedaas that the rank of Guru truly and certainly is the rank of supreme soul. Those who have resorted to service to Guru only are termed as real monks even if they have not studied Shruti and Smriti. Rest all others are monks in disguise. The disciple, after hearing from Guru, realizes that all that exists is one only, which is Brahma, sans illusion. Through the medium of Guru prasaad, the aspirant should behold attentively aatmaaraam (soul). Only by this path of Guru, in him, the self knowledge illuminates.

My salutations to that supreme God (Guru), who has encompassed all, whether animate or inanimate in the universe, up to the mountain. I eulogize that Sadguru, who has attained the state of sachitaanand, perfection, who is impartial, formless, without attributes and is ever immersed in contemplation of soul. I meditate on that sanctified Sadguru who is greater than greater, bestower of everlasting bliss, supreme soul which is comparable to pure crystal and who is seated in the centre of the heart. The disciple should meditate on Guru, keeping all the attributes in mind as stated above and attain the full status of eternal soul. Should this advice be followed, the disciple shall get liberated undoubtedly in that form only in all situations. Hey Paarvati!

The advice of Guru and path shown by Guru leads one to the region of liberation. There is no doubt that one who constantly gets engrossed in meditation of Guru and the ones who are keen to acquire self knowledge will be freed from pleasure (