GURU by Suresh J Pai - HTML preview

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The disciple cannot have a steady mind unless he serves Guru wholeheartedly. Mind emerges victorious when it is fixed on one direction. Our wavering mind becomes steady when we learn from Guru. Polluted mind is purified through service to Guru. God is accessible only when the mind is purified. Service is the best spiritual aid, means for success. The word service does not mean the same as is used in common parlance. In spiritual line, it has altogether a different connotation. Here, it is not a commercial and personal service which is based on pecuniary gains or favours. It means reverential service rendered by a disciple to his Guru with a sense of self surrender and as a matter of duty, obligation.   It is a voluntary act which is spontaneous and packed with love and sense of surrender. The service rendered is not under any external compulsion. It is an internal urge, expression so far as sincere devotees are concerned. In spiritual line, it is God's precious gift to the aspirant. Service to the Guru should be regarded as a blessing and privilege. All are not gifted with this rare privilege.

To render service to the Guru is the greatest blessing that can be conferred upon a human being in his life time. One should have the fortune to be in the service of Guru due to the religious merit which he has acquired through past several births. IT IS NOT A FAVOUR BY DISCIPLE TO GURU BUT HIS BOUNDEN OBLIGATION TOWARDS GURU. Service itself is a golden opportunity to achieve the goal of realization for the aspirants. Service to Guru itself is a great tapasya, saadhanaa. Service to Guru is a greatest spiritual practice. SERVICE TO THE GURU IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF RELIGION. One does not qualify for spiritual teachings without rendering service to Guru.

Really speaking, it is a great privilege to be in the service of Guru. The ecstasy which one draws from service to Guru cannot be expressed through words. It is a lifelong memorable event. In fa<