Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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You gave me your heart because you were

proud to trust me,

I needed you by my side and wanted you to

give me comfort,

You found and nurtured all the deep human

emotions in me,

You made me laugh and smile when I felt all

sad and distort.

I loved you for your thoughts and being always

in your mind,

I loved you for helping me to discover the part

I couldn’t find,

I loved you for the way you were and how you

made me feel,

Most of all I loved you because I knew you

were mine for real.




O darling, just keep sitting in front of me,

This will give me the greatest joy you see.

The more I see you the more I admire you,

My thoughts will transmit my love to you.

Lovely face of my pretty lotus would shine,

She’ll dwell in my heart and I will feel fine.

I long to hold you tight and steal your kiss,

That will be all I need so that I get my bliss.

If I do not feel at ease without you, what shall

I do?

If your pretty face shines before me what shall

I do?

You insist that I should forget you but this I

can’t do.

If your fond memories keep haunting what

shall I do?

My whole life feels empty without you what

shall I do?

I’ve forgotten myself searching for you what

shall I do?

If your eyes keep giving me your love, what

shall I do?

If I see your image in every mirror here what

shall I do?

I pretend to live my life without your presence


This is like living my life that is full of guilt my


You are my inspiration how can I live with you


My heart dies many times in search of you, my


People say I’m alive but I’m living with guilt  my


The loneliness is my only curse, I don’t like it

my dear,

My soul cries for peace and my eyes shed

tears my dear,

As if, I’m carrying my corpse on my shoulders

my dear,

I’m afraid to give you any blame cos I love you

my dear,

The fear has kept my lips all tight; I keep quiet

my dear.

Eventually I had to change many of my


With the masses of the world, I started


Real enlightenment came after my heavy


No one that leaves this sinful world will ever


It was my duty and responsibility to look after


The life she lost I had to sustain all the pain of


It seems I have created thorny route for my


I had to crush all my feelings so wanted the


All that the broken heart said my teary eyes

saw it all

Once again, the sorrow and the pain came out

to stroll

Whenever she returned in my dreams, I

created a call

Every night of my dreadful life seemed dull

and small

All her fond memories kept coming with many


A sight of my pretty lotus tore open all my

great emotions

In the hope of winning her heart back, I forgot

 to resolve

That I was lonely and the pain was too much

to dissolve.

Come darling, I want to decorate your song on

my lips

It’s my real wish to bring your loving words on

my lips

I long to drop a few of my tears to convert

 them to pearl

I’m now tired of waiting for your return, my

 lovely pearl

You are thinking of me I know this from my

hard hiccups

I’m all ready and willing to enjoy your love in

my teacups.



Lasting Image


My heart slowed down after so much rejoice,

My family life has given sorrows left no choice.

My vision has shivered with a shooting star,

Life’s bringing me fond memories from afar.


She is lost in the heaven typhoon in my mind,

My life is left with pain that is of unique kind.

The one who was the centre of my heart beat,

Is lost in the oblivion putting me in cold seat.


All my wishes of living have been lost forever,

Silence looms in my solitary life like a fever.

The shines of life have turned into loneliness,

There’s no hope left, gone are my brightness.


She has left a lasting image in my lonely life,

Heaven is happy after burning my flowery life.

My love that has passed away is haunting me,

There are tears in my eyes, days hurting me.


She lives in my thoughts and melodies all day,

I miss her heaps but find it difficult to say.

From our two bodies we lived just as one soul,

To love and cherish each other was our goal.


What I’ve lost cannot be found ever in my life,

When darkness falls, she shines as my lite.






If there was one face I ever wanted to keep admiring all my life,

That was so beautiful, so pure and so loaded with truth and beauty,

That one smile that always made a difference to my entire life,

If there was one touch that I longed to feel everyday when on duty,

If there was one joy, one passion and one love that I never wanted to part,

It was none other than My Pretty Lotus, my world, my life and my heart.






I have memories galore of the past loving


There are words and thoughts of creeping


The route ahead now looks all confusing and


Walking alone is painful without that lovely


I am lost in that forest searching for that lost


Every moment I long for the lost love of my


All that was given to me has shattered and


Dark clouds on my horizon nothing can be


All moments lead me to a state of utter


There’s no life here my fate is denying


There’s no one to guide me now and lead the


I am looking for my beloved every night and


Every season looks dull there’s no happiness


My sight has lost all the shines in the


Ages have passed since I had any lovely


I lament my loss and my bed makes the


The image in the mirror teases me to stay


The stones in my hand cannot break that







When the songs and dances are over and I

have spilled all my emotions,

My day becomes a night and the deep

darkness surrounds my life.

Everyone prepares to go to bed and I stare at

the sky with devotions,

This becomes my moment of whisper to God to

care for my wife.





My heart longs to love but there’s no lover in

my sight,

My heart’s for sale but I can’t find a buyer

 that’s right.

There must be someone who has the feeling of

sorrow and pain,

There must be someone who can erase my

 loneliness again.

I can sacrifice my heart, soul and all my life

for the one alone,

The one who has the acceptance of my love in

the eyes shown.

I would forgive and forget all the stress and

strain of my life,

If I could just find that special being only once

 in my strife.

I know not how many wintry nights I have

spent in the search,

I have written hundreds of poems for the one I

am in search.

I have gathered my hearty wishes and

knocked at many doors,

I have not being able to find the one I loved on

any orderly floors.





More of my imagination keeps hurting me

nowadays and I feel the freeze,

My imagination flies back to my farm and I see

the woods without any trees,

The Sabeto River is flooded from the heavy

rain over the Sleeping Giant,

But there is no sea where the river can drain

 the water off the Sleeping Giant.

The forest is confused, the river is worried and

the mountain range scared,

Now friends can you imagine me without My

 Pretty Lotus all lost and scared?



You Will Flourish


Millions of moths get burnt in search of


Lamps are to give light not to burn the


I am ready to reveal all my feeling and


I loved her dearly always with my great


She’s gone but not forgotten I miss her very


Those who go away don’t return I know life is


Those who cry should assess their pain


Let not the tears fall but contain them


Let me spill out all my pains and sorrows


They keep on coming as punishment everyday.

I had a feeling she would return home one


I have changed my mind to stay with her


Light as many lamps and fly over them to


Let the love last forever and then you will



Memorable Life


The pain is unbearable to reveal all my

feelings for my love,

Many painful moments have gone but I’m

alone in my cove.

I was told that only lovers live in this world of

 love and joy,

But my eager eyes are still waiting for the

 return of my joy.

Tears drop and heart breaks, people have

 given me names,

I am all broken and all the pieces have now

burnt in flames.

I have blamed myself for my follies but what

else can I do?

I am looking for that moment when I would be

 ready to go.

The one who lived and loved and made my life

so adorable,

The Pretty Lotus is no more but I know her life

is memorable.





Every moment of my life is engrossed in your

loving thoughts,

This heart knows well that it has the backing

of your thoughts.

There is a mysterious feeling of fear that is

engrossing my heart,

Soon your loving thoughts will disappear

tearing my heart apart.


Sweet dreams comfort me but disappear when

slumber goes away,

The anguish is deeply felt when the heartbeats

skip and make me sway.

Taking every breadth is like dying bit by bit for

me, I cannot bear,

When you were around our love was

comforting and full of care.


Where have the happy times gone and why do

we long for love?

We need to wake up again from our dreams

and sing like a dove.

Your departure was unbearable and my

 joining you is far away,

There is no explanation for all that have gone

wrong in our way.


Despite the difficult feeling, I keep my hope up

 to meet you soon,

Until that happens, I know we’ll keep singing

our favourite tune.

Every moment of my life is engrossed in your

 loving thoughts,

This heart knows well that it has the backing

of your thoughts.



No Fear To Be Restrained


All Mighty God please let my world become the

 calmest ocean,

Where only peace and calm prevail and there’s

no commotion.

If this isn’t possible then make my weeping

eyes become stones,

So there are no tears of pain and sorrow when

it’s time for groans.

I haven’t seen You but have imagined the

 images and kindness,

Come and reveal Yourself to me soon or let me

attain blindness.

I am fully contended and I do not desire

anything else to meet,

Let me live within my means to cover my feet

with available sheet.

If there are no worries for me and there are no

 tears in my eyes,

It is all because I have accepted the worst and

changed my ways.

My joys are no longer with me and my sorrows

are all sustained,

If my life has to end let it be so, I have no fear

to be restrained. 






I had my echocardiography done today and the

cardiologist said that I had a perfect heart,

I agreed with her and silently said to myself, ‘it

 is all because there lives my sweetheart.’