Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My life was a bed of roses when My Pretty

Lotus was around,

That family life was unique when there was

her melodious sound.

Life has completely changed after the demise

of My Pretty Lotus,

My entire world of love and lustre has fallen

apart prick like cactus.


How do I mend my broken heart and find hope

in this wilderness,

The one I adored so much has gone away

leaving behind bitterness.

The mind and body are saturated with pain I

live on fond memories,

All that we shared and loved I now long to put

in my documentaries.


The bright and spicy look in those gorgeous

eyes are no more in sight,

The mystic smile on the charming face is no

longer giving me the light.

Our moments together were precious and

many that can't be forgotten,

My resolve is to cherish them all forever and

don't let them go rotten.


Your Lakhan has always loved you my angel

and always will,

I loved my Saroj more than self then, now and

I love her still.

Our love was invincible, deep and pure,

Now that your departure is my pain, there is

no cure.





Nowadays I like this game of life that I play,

Sometimes I close my eyes and then you fade


My body, mind and soul float to a special


It is beyond the stars, the moon and the


In this sacred place when I open my eyes to


There are only two people there, my Saroj and


All is beautiful here and feeling of love is right,

There's no pain, no sorrow everything is


There's compassion, understanding but no


There's no interference and no such madness,

We've our own rules of love and our own ways, 

There's no wall to separate us, we like our


There's no one to disturb us, we do what we


We don't only love but we show how we chant,

Chanting stops and the game comes to an


My eyes open and reality sets in and I


Those few moments were very soothing and


I've liked the game and want to play again


If Lakhan loves this game he should play it


Saroj will give him company and the pain will


You will be my sun and I will become your


Together we will turn the flow of the river with

our might.

Then our love will flow freely no one to stop


We'll start our new life in heaven no one will

disturb us.




Memories are golden

Well maybe that is true.

I never wanted memories,

I only wanted you.