Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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The Library Of My Fond Memories


I only hope if I was given one moment, just a

single slice of my past,

I could then hold it so tightly forever that

moment would always last.

I would like to put those moments in a safe,

within my hearts abode,

So I could open it when I wanted it and only I

would know the code.

I could choose a time of laughing and my

times of happiness and fun,

I could choose a time that thrilled me, through

everything I have done.

I sat and thought about what moment, would

always make me smile?

One that would always motivate me and let me

to walk that extra mile.

If ever I am feeling sad and low, if am

struggling with something to do,

I could go and open my little safe, and watch

all my dull moments through.

There are moments I can think of, that would

lift my spirits every time,

The moments when I am picked up, when the

hill of life was hard to climb.

I do not wish to only pick one moment, to

cherish, love, save and keep,

Then I know it would  prove really difficult, as

I have gathered up a heap,

I have dug deep inside my heart, found that

little safe and looked inside,

There was room for lots of moments; in fact it

can fit hundreds if I tried.

I am now building my own fondest library

which is embedded in my heart,

It's for all the moments spent with my beloved

wife before she had to part.

I know I can open it up whenever I like, pick a

moment and review my life,

My little library of fond memories acts as a

promise, I'll never forget my wife.




The Pretty Rose Of My Tray


I am sitting here in my bedroom, looking at

her picture,

And wondering why she couldn't be a part of

my future.

Whenever the uncontrollable tears stream

down my face,

This is that hard time when my heart beat

starts to race.

Then I question God why he has taken my wife

from my life,

It would be less painful if He stabbed me with

a sharp knife.

I still needed her cos she had not completed

her task here,

She was the only one who was to make

everything so clear.

She was my essential part and I remain a part

of her forever,


When she passed away a part of me went with

her together.

I never knew that it was so difficult to lose

someone you love,

But the truth hurt me the day she went to the

heaven above.

Although I can't see but I know she is up there

watching me,

I know she is keeping her hand of blessing to

look after me.

I miss her more and more everyday but all I

can do is to pray,

In my heart she will forever remain the Pretty

Rose of my tray.





You touched my heart, you treasured my soul

You changed my life and I achieved my goals

