Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I can no longer imagine the pain so deep

inside me,

But I sometimes can write in words for people

to see.

A pain that touches my toes and goes up to

the top of the ceiling,

I can't eat, I can't sleep, that is the pain that

my heart is feeling.


I was raised to stand on my own but this loss

is too much for me,

The situation gets tragic day by day with a

rough storm inside me.

To live alone without her is getting harder as

the time tortures me,

I now pretend to have her on my side and so

now she lives with me.


There is no sorrow so great and no pain so

deep for me to bear,

No one can find me the needed solace and has

time to spare.

There's no more crying and there is no more

shedding of tears for her,

Solutions for loneliness are in reading and

viewing what I create for her.


My heart has reached the limit of pain and

can take no more,

It is no use crying or lamenting on my loss

and increase my sore.

I spend my time with My Pretty Lotus as if she

never said goodbye,

She will not return to me no matter how many

oceans and rivers I cry.





It isn't possible to forget the morn I found my

Pretty Lotus dying,

It haunts, it pains and it gives me millions of

sorrowful crying.

She collapsed in the shower and I brought her

to our bed,

I pulled her gently to me and kissed her sweet


All my training of first aid failed and I could

not save her,

The paramedics arrived on time but could not

do anything for her.

I looked at her and she told me that her time

had come to depart,

As if she was asking me to say my last

goodbye with my heart.

How could I do this injustice to my love so I

followed the ambulance? 

She was wrapped with life support but I

couldn't bear that glance.

She was my Pretty Lotus, my life that I had

learnt to love dearly,

Now she was ready to depart and nothing

more could be done clearly.

I strolled the passage way of the emergency

centre like a mad man,

I prayed to every heavenly power to spare her

soul for this poor man.

Life is such when the time comes no one can

stop our departure,

I could hear my darling crying but it was the

wind of gesture.

The message came and we had to agree to let

her go forever,

She wanted to rest in peace and leave us for

her new world forever.

I closed my eyes and asked for sometime alone

with my love,

I spoke to her softly but do not know if she

made any move. 

She was gone and I was left alone as lonely as

the lonesome man,

My heart, my body and my soul all ready to

finish my time span.

I existed but only in thought and with

memories of my loved one,

My beloved was gone; my life got cold andI was

left all alone.

My misery was all that remained; the dark

clouds covered my life,

My guiding light was gone and I mourned the

passing of my wife.

My beloved departed and had no more pain to

endure and suffer,

I was left behind with many questions and

whole life to suffer.

I am now longing to bring back all the fond

memories of my wife,

But it's all in vain when your love is no more

and I lead a lonely life.






Now that my Pretty Lotus is no more I lament

her passing away,

It gives me a chance to express my love gently

and in special way.

This is something that I really desire to do

each and every day,

The world may think this is madness but this

is how I now pray.

I want to continue to take the time and pursue

her passionately,

I had always promised to love her deeply and


I promise, I promise and I promise to do these

things so deeply,

My heart treasures a promise to keep loving

her so completely.

I promise to build this home for her to develop

an emotional purity,

Where our love, laughter and honest life feel a

sense of security.

I will find all the time for her, without her

there will be no time.

I love to cherish, honour, respect and admire

her loving shrine,

Time's put us on different paths but our souls

have merged on line.

The pain I have developed in my heart is

difficult to endure all alone,

Let me wake up each day to see her sweet

smile to feel her moan.

This will bring happiness and smile to make

me love her so much,

This will keep me connected with her and keep

feeling her touch.

I will love her and will treasure her memories

each day of my life,

I promise to keep her happy for she is still my

beloved wife.

My love has been true and I am still devoted to

love and care for you,

You are everything - my love, my life, my world

and this is true.