Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Rich Ride of Rama



Read on my dear children and my dear friends

and you would appreciate,

The rich ride that this farmer's son made has

something good to contribute.

On January eighteen, in forty he was laid in a

wooden cradle,

His parents and guardians are gone but gave

him a life to paddle.

The grandparents raised him well and told

him how to conduct his march,

His parents handed him great light and might

on his head as an arch.

His village home was his castle and his farm

was his childhood school,

He got ready to play with rural friends to swim

in the river but no pool.

Formative learning at a village school with

local teachers bright and smart,

This prepared him for the best high school

and gave him a head start.

Teachers from abroad instilled in him a love of

books and a bit of creative art,

Outdoor life and physical fitness were his

hobbies that made him so smart.

From Shakespeare, Tennyson, Blake and

Keats came some of his literary talents,

Dickens, Bronte` sisters, R L Stevenson and

Orwell gave him the needed patents.


Early to rise to do the farm chores and catch a

daily bus to school suited him,

Late to bed after his hard studies and some

more home work also suited him.

Fishing taught him the love of outdoor life and

a lot of practical patience,

Drama on the village and school stages

gradually led him to real existence.

All the journeys to the Sleeping Giant and the

Pacific Ocean were reflections,

That magnified the life that his elders and

friends had for his recollections.

Indoctrination somewhat complete he gained

an entry into a tertiary institution,

All the dreams of his elders realized when he

became a teacher after graduation.

While at the college he met his dream girl and

confessed his love silently,

As a test of maturity, she let him depart to do

some rural teaching distantly.

A year or two rolled by and their unconditional

love matured very distinctly,

Multiple contacts in the form of love letters

and phone calls came intermittently.

Their love grew fonder with the distance and

separation that kept them apart,

But their fate brought them together because

they could not remain apart.

The love doves got married and established a

family life and home that lasted,

Their work life strengthened and peace,

progress and prosperity got plastered.


They became the masters of their destination

and planned a perfect family life,

The journey of the family became fruitful with

only a few strife in their life.

Brisk wielder of the birch and rule he was the

master of the village school,

Success came rolling to him because he

gathered his knowledge pool.

Many promotions came to him and he was

awarded a prestigious scholarship,

He tuned his intelligent switch and attained a

few quality professional membership.

Together they served and moved from town to

town gaining techniques and tacts,

He gained the power to play the right games

and deal with all the needed facts.

Two sons and two daughters became the most

valuable treasures of their life,

After their respective marriages they produced

eight more treasures of their life.

Each of the grand children are the supersonic

giants full of power,

They too have inherited the strength and glory

of the tower.

All hopes, strengths and efforts were bestowed

on raising the children well,

Time moved on and their treasurers began to

move with great swell.

The ladder of their life was hard because there

was no escalator to take the stroll,

Each step on the trembling ladder took them

steep and tall to the highest window of the


There was no time to pause and listen or to

look down but to keep moving,

This was the motivation of the angel, his wife

who led him to the top roofing.

They reigned well and with joy on top of the

roof of their long fruitful life,

An ambitious expedition was planned to live

forever as husband and wife.

Wrapped in their own world in silence, so

deep, contended and still in love,

They almost made a golden journey of married

life but nature ended their move.

When his pretty lotus was laid to rest in peace

in the Centennial Memorial Gardens one day,

His heart and soul cried so heavily that no one

had seen such a sorrowful event any day.

He accompanied his angel and rode with her

soul on the final journey as she wanted,

The talk of them two during that lonely ride

can never be described and counted.

One life ended and one life destroyed and his

grieving heart and soul all shattered,

Creeping along from room to room in his

lonely home has all that now mattered.

The lovely life and peaceful journey of the past

is now his dread, pain and grief,

For suddenly his life has come to an abrupt

end and now seems to be very brief.

When would the storm and rain of tears in the

eye dry up and the river of sorrow flood?

When would these black clouds of loneliness

move away and stop to brood?

He is impatiently waiting to mount and ride

that life with his pretty lotus once again,

But he is all booted and spurred and they

reside on the opposite shores of the world


The brilliant journey that began on a steed full

of valour and great enthusiasm,

Has reached the end and turned the tide out

to end the ride that has no fascination.

For he is now all lonely and spectral and

sombre and still but has not lost hope,

Alas as he looks to the empty sky above there

is no glimmer and no light of hope.

And yet deep down his hearty eagerness he

wants a reunion impossible that it may seem,

He wants to rekindle his love and light the

same flame that once was his beam.

His wife, his life and his inspiration has

vacated his village of lustre and love,

Now he sits all alone in the sandy desert of his

home that cannot be his cove.

He goes to bed to sleep but his slumber

dwindles away till the crowing of the cocks,

He wakes up all drowsy although the birds

and the dogs tell him the time of his clocks.

The home that was bubbling with her vibrancy

once is now all blank and bare,

There is nothing to rejoice or even to gaze at

the pretty face that once used to glare.

All the melodious music and the sweet twitter

of the birds among the trees mean nothing,

The best of the food and the sweetest drinks

give him tastes that feel nothing.

So this life of Rama has had a good ride until

his Pretty Lotus was his soul mate,

Now that she has gone to rest in peace, there's

no life in the village, the farm or the state.

The days begin, the nights go by but the

sorrow, pain and grief all gather on the floor,

To bring the darker clouds of fear, voice of the

unknown and a knock on the door.

All the fond memories come out to parade and

her sweet voices echo evermore,

Despite the genuine efforts of the loved ones to

heal, Rama cannot live anymore.

He is suffering from severe sleep apnoea and

NSIP is the diagnosis of his health,

His living is limited to each day and he has no

hope of improving his wealth.

A silent cry, some warm tears and a broken

heart is all that is left to measure,

But this Rama has created a collection of the

fond memorial of his Pretty Lotus to treasure.

This is a therapeutic treasury of the life that

began some fifty-five years ago,

When tomorrow starts without her he wants to

feel she is in his heart all aglow.

Everyday that passes by in grief he feels that

he loves his Pretty Lotus a lot more,

If they get another chance to live their love life,

it's assured that he would love her more.

Strength, dignity, warmth and good clothing

were her garment of humanity,

She opened her mind to wisdom and the law

of kindness in her vicinity.

Rama's Lotus looked well at all times and

managed her household well,

Why wouldn't such a brilliant maiden forever

be remembered and in heart dwell?

Her children and grand children rise up and

call her many times blessed,

Her husband has always praised her saying

„ My Pretty Lotus was truly blessed.”

Having read this my children and my dear

friends now you can all appreciate,

The ride that this farmer's son made in his

lifetime is something good to celebrate.


15th August 2014.





You are now old and feeble Lakhan, your head

is getting bald, and hair is gray,

You know you have reached your use by date

and are not fit for pulling a dray.

Time has flown and so has your youth your

limbs are now very supple,

Your eyes are getting weaker and you have

begun to see things in double.

Life was better on the farm when you were

jumping up and down the gully,

Life became boredom when you stopped all the

physical work and retired fully.

All the shortcomings were well managed when

you had your lovely wife around,

She has now departed for good your peace and

potency cannot be easily found.

Your wife was your life so strong in mind,

body and all her disposition,

Wake up old man, revive your old habits, try

to change your position.

Peace and order in old age come with love care

and discipline that she so strongly held,

Give her the honour and do not let any tears

fall but keep them all withheld.

Let the Pretty Lotus enjoy her slumber no

matter what season and weather come and


You mind your own business and do what is

needed to keep her close.

