Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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She was my life, she was my love and she was

my passion

She made me wholesome and she filled me

with compassion

Rain shine or hale made no difference to our


We knew nothing else in life but to talk and



Our love our passion took us to great heights

of compassion

We completed over half a century in seeking

our mission

We saw stars and sunset in each other's eyes

every day

We yearned to be next to each other each and

every day.


Our unconditional love found many routes to

live well

We kept riding the rough tides to let our love


We let our love shower us and quench our

thirst everyday

We made our love life bloom in this world



Why aren't we together why aren't we here any


Time's ripe for us to revive our love and live

many years more

Let the Goddess of love bless us with that pure

love again

It is the season for devotees to meet and

treasure their love again.


This time round I'll hide her from everyone for

her safety

I'll hug her and love her instinctually so she's

not stolen easily

For she was my life, she was my love and she

was my passion

And she made me wholesome and she filled

me with compassion.




I still miss you and I still think of you

You are in heaven and I am not with you

When you passed away I cried as I do today

My deepest love could not make you stay

Your heart stopped beating you came to rest

It proved to me that God only took the best