Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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The Prasad Family of Bellbowrie have their root in Uttar Pradesh in India. The grandparents of Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad (Sarju Mahajan and Gangadei) were recruited by CSR Company to work on their sugarcane farms in Fiji from a village called Senduri in Dumariya Ganj in 1907 and after serving their Indenture period they settled as independent farmers in Botini, Sabeto, in Nadi and established themselves as successful farmers.


Dr Prasad is the eldest child of Bhagauti Prasad and Ram Kumari and he was raised on their farm and educated at Natabua High School before graduating as a teacher from Nasinu Teachers’ College. He later received his education from various Universities in UK, NZ, Fiji, Australia and USA. His only brother Vijen Prasad lives in Boisie, Idaho, USA and all his seven sisters are enjoying their family life in USA, Fiji and New Zealand.


Dr Prasad worked for the Education Department as a teacher, curriculum developer, examiner and education administrator before joining a business organization as Director of Human Resources. He was married to his college mate Saroj Kumari Sharma who served as a successful teacher and senior lecturer for teachers’ colleges in Fiji. They together raised four children; Praanesh, Praneeta, Harshita and Rohitesh who all in turn added eight grand children; Jaya, Hamish, Anjali, Meera, Jayden, Sonali, Rohan and Asha.


Dr Prasad and Mrs Saroj Prasad migrated to Australia and worked as Senior Lecturers for Education Queensland before retiring to live in their home at Saroj Niwaas in Bellbowrie. Dr Prasad then began his consultancy work for HR and Education matters.


Dr Prasad together with his wife Saroj has written multiple novels, short stories, poems and professional books on various HR and Business Management issues. Their articles on social and religious matters have been continuously published in various newspapers and magazines in Fiji and Australia.


After the sad passing away of his wife Saroj, Dr Prasad is managing his life alone as an author and as a social and religious research assistant. He loves his role as a mentor for seniors for IT matters and his favourite past-time is Bowling and listening to old songs and

Dr Prasad is a humanist and promotes peace whenever and wherever opportunity knocks at his door. As a Justice of the Peace he has been serving Queensland for over a decade. The promotion and belief in the idea of ‘Truth, beauty and goodness’ is the maxim he and his late wife lived by.


This publication is important for many reasons. Firstly, it is an outlet for his emotions. Secondly, it is an account of the love life of two people who cared for each other and shared all they had in their family, social, cultural and work life. Thirdly, this is a permanent registry of the life of one important person in the life of Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad.


Home Alone is definitely an expression of loneliness but homage is an accolade presenting all in the loving memories of someone who is held high in love, respect and family life. This of course, is a precious gift that would make the soul of the recipient immortal and the readers richer in feeling and emotion. These are some of the fond memories of Dr Prasad for his Pretty Lotus.


 Dr Prasad is giving this presentation and his emotional creation for the friends, family members and relatives as well as others to read, enjoy and get something out of these poems and prose.




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