India and the Battle for Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka) by Thanjai Nalankilli - HTML preview

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There are 5 books from us on the "Battle for Tamil Eelam". Together they provide an overall perspective on the ongoing conflict between the Tamil minority and Sinhala majority in Sri Lanka.


Articles in these 5 books were originally published between 1997 and 2019, at various points in the history of the Sinhala-Tamil ethnic conflict/war. Date of original publication is provided below the author name in each article. Our articles provide snapshots of the situation in Sri Lanka between 1997 and 2019, and useful to anyone who wants to understand what happened in Sri Lanka in those fateful years.


We think that the conflict will continue in one form or another, for a separate country or for equal treatment within a federal country, until the minority Tamils feel they are not treated as second class citizens, not economically exploited and their language and culture are respected and protected.


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