Inner Circle Preview Chapter by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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It is a complete waste of human effort to attempt to 'improve' yourself, or your circumstances, whilst you are shackled and manacled by the chains of control with which others seek to enslave you. It is imperative that you first start to break free of controls, and then move towards your life-goals. Inner circle shows you how to break free of these controls.

To achieve this end, I will need to devote space to exposing, or explaining the various artificial controls which are placed on your life. I will also be telling you exactly how people try and get you to sacrifice your talents to their advantage. It is through removal of these controls - by becoming free - that you gain great personal power. In short, the power to be whatever it is you want to be.

In order to 'wake you up', I will have to devote a lot of time and effort to exposing the various 'con-tricks' which you will encounter. This leaves little time and space for dwelling on the happy, loving and joyous 'straight' transactions which people frequently enjoy. Because I do not focus on these issues, does not mean that they are not present! To criticise me for not giving equal weight to the positive side of human nature, is akin to criticising a book on gardening as being 'obsessed with plants', or 'not giving equal weight to the animal kingdom'!

Becoming free is quite scary. You suddenly have to start thinking about what it is you really want to do. All that stuff you've been putting off for years because you allowed yourself to be trapped by external controls, suddenly comes back home to roost. You have to examine your talents, or lack of them (!), and ask yourself if you really have it in you to write that book, compose that song, start that company. You've been making excuses for years, but suddenly it's time for action!

But above all, it's hugely exciting to be free and powerful, in a world where the 'sheep' are fast asleep! There is nothing quite like the daily 'buzz' you get when you know that you are one of the few people who are 'awake'. Call it smug, call it elitist, call it what you will, once you have experienced it, I guarantee that you will never fall asleep again!

Degrees Of Freedom

There are degrees of personal freedom.

Quite simply, the extent to which you believe and apply the teachings of Inner circle, is the extent to which you are free. Put another way, the less you believe and apply Inner circle material, the less free you are. The choice is yours - and it is a choice. You can choose to remain locked away in the darkest dungeon, never seeing the light of day; or you can transfer yourself to another cell, which has a small window; or you can move yourself to an 'open' prison, can walk out of jail into the full light of the day. The latter person has spiralled upwards through all of the grades of Inner circle; the other people are 'neophytes' or learners who are some way along the path. I will guide your way along the path, but it is you who will provide the energy and discipline required to see you through to your goals.

Style Statement

We have entered into a bargain.

You have applied to join my Inner Circle, and I have accepted you. I also promise over the next few months to give you the most detailed, step by step guide to personal power, freedom and wealth ever published.

I am not on a 'crusade', and I am not out to 'change the world'. You will understand why, after you have progressed some way along the path. If you don’t want to stay in my Inner circle, then I am not going to try and persuade you! If you whine and moan and complain and whinge, then I am not interested in nurse-maiding you through. The reasons for this will become self-evident as you rise through the grades. This is a tough course, and only the exceptional survive.

Joining has given you a chance. A chance of real power and wealth. If you decide not to take that chance then that is entirely up to you. I won't be hurt, I won't be upset, I won't try and change your mind. If, after a few lessons, you want to revert to your previous life of powerlessness, then fine. I repeat, I am not out to 'change the world'. In fact the fewer people who know about the secrets of Inner circle, the better for those of us who DO know.

No Crusades

I want to make this point absolutely clear, so excuse me if I labour it somewhat.

Inner circle will bring you everything you want in the world, if you decide to apply the teachings. If you don’t want to apply the teachings, then fine. Just don't write and tell me why, because I'm not interested!

This isn't belligerence on my part. My attitude stems directly from the principles of Inner circle teaching. When you have reached a certain stage of initiation, you will understand exactly why I take this stance.

It is not my intention to embark upon a 'one man crusade' to wake people up. I am not interested in changing the world, and I am certainly not arrogant enough to believe that I could do so, even if I wanted to. Inner circle is elitist. It is aimed at a tiny fraction of one percent of the population - people who are prepared to 'wake up' and take firm and powerful control of their lives.

Are you ready to do this?

I am not 'God' so I cannot judge whether waking the world up would be desirable. I certainly know that it is impossible, and so there is little point in trying. The release of Inner circle material to interested people such as yourself, does not constitute an attempt to wake up the masses.

I hope that you are feeling a little bit shocked. Believe me, that is nothing compared to the shock you will experience when you receive higher grade materials. Inner circle material is shocking because it blasts away all of your previously held convictions, morals, beliefs and limitations, replacing them with personal freedom and unlimited personal power.

Shock Horror

The normal person responds to Inner circle material initially with outrage and shock, followed either by a gradually dawning awareness of the truth of the material, or a violent and vocal rejection of it . The former group gradually become empowered - they become Inner circle Initiates, whilst the latter group rapidly revert to living their lives exactly as they used to, that is in poverty and helplessness.

The trick is to get through the shock you might receive when reading IC materials. This is the biggest stumbling-block because the weak person will read something shocking, instantly dismiss the whole system and then reach for pen and paper to dash off letters to anyone and everyone in an attempt to get 'them' to 'do something about it'! For this reason, I suggest you use Inner circle material as follows:-

1.  Read through the material from cover to cover, in as few sittings as possible. Make a mental note of any questions, strong disagreements, severe shock, examples which you think violate the system, and so on. Don't worry about these until you have read the whole release. This way, most of your questions will have been answered by the time you have completed the release.

2.  KEEP AN OPEN MIND. This means that if you read something with which you strongly disagree, then just hold onto it as something to be looked at in the future; don't just reject everything else out of hand because of one sticking-point. You don't have to agree with every single word I say, in order to become an Initiate, although you DO have to expose all of the illusions and con-tricks (see later) if you want to rise to the highest levels of wealth, power and freedom.

I would be amazed if there were not quite a few things which you found shocking, disturbing or offensive in this material. This is quite intentional!

Making A Start

Let us now start upon the task in hand - namely the beginning of your Inner circle training to make you FREE. As I stated earlier, only by becoming free can you become wealthy and powerful. Trapped people do not achieve wealth and power - in case you hadn't noticed!

Attaining Personal Freedom

Let us talk a little bit about personal freedom.

If you went up to a man living in any Western Democratic Country and asked him: "Are you free?" he would almost unhesitatingly reply "Yes, I'm free." A few more thoughtful souls might qualify their answer by saying something like: "Yes, I'm reasonably free," or "Well, I'm as free as anyone else." Most would agree that they enjoy a tremendous amount of personal liberty in their private and public lives.

Well let me tell you, absolutely, categorically, they are all completely WRONG!

The vast majority of people are about as trapped or 'un-free' as it is possible to get without being manacled to the wall of some dank cell.

They have almost zero freedom in every area of their lives. They have allowed themselves to be absolutely and rigorously controlled by outside forces - other people - to the extent that they can barely shuffle around and make grunting noises through their gags! And this means YOU. Only those who have correctly understood and applied the principles of Inner circle (whether they call it that, or not), can be said to be truly free, the rest are, to a greater or lesser extent, slaves.

You don't agree?

Consider the 'normal' person:-

Of course, nobody wants to be considered 'normal' or 'Mr/Mrs Average', but I'll wager that the following statements apply in quite a few details to you:-


The 'normal' person works for a living in a job which they either actively dislike, or just tolerate. A few 'lucky' souls occasionally enjoy some aspects of their job - on a good day. The 'normal' person has to get to work at a certain time every single day of the working week. They dare not be late or leave before a certain time under penalty of a demerit.

Thus, approximately forty hours of every single week - week in, week out - are governed and ruled by the dictates of someone else. No matter how 'liberal' the company, no matter how 'nice' the boss, no matter how much 'flexitime' is worked, the stark truth (and I only deal with stark truths) is that for around forty hours every week, the 'normal' person hands over complete control of his life to other people, who make him sing and dance more or less like a puppet.

Does this sound a bit like you?

Yet this same person would claim to be free.


The 'normal' person has barely enough money to live on, because their outgoings either exactly match, or exceed their income, leaving them drifting into debt. In fact the 'normal' person is in debt to a considerable extent, typically owing tens of thousands on a mortgaged home, having finance on one or more expensive items (car, furniture etc.) having a bank overdraft, and owing money on one or more credit cards.

The burden of these debts, together with an 'unchangeable' lifestyle, ensures that Johnny Average always operates with the tip of his nose just above the water. The effect of this is to lock him solidly into the freedom-removing system of work. It prevents him from exploring his full potential and living a joyous life - because he is scared of losing his job due to the debts and commitments that weigh him down.

Does this sound a bit like you?

Yet this same person claims to be free.


The 'normal' person in a relationship, engages in the same, identical, mind-stifling routine day after day, year after year. It doesn't matter what the detail of this routine is, but it might go something like this:-

Come in, kiss your spouse.

Make cup of tea.

Sit down and read paper for half an hour whilst spouse makes meal.

Eat meal, chat about pointless things.

Bicker for a while.

Wash up.

Watch television.

If 2nd Thursday of month, then go for steak at local restaurant.

Go to bed.

If 3rd Thursday of month, then make love.

Go to sleep.

Repeat until you die.

Okay, I know that this is stereotyped, but the real point is that married or not, the 'normal' person follows almost exactly the same routines, with very slight variations, every single day, week after week.

If he is in a relationship, then these routines are largely dictated by the partner (in the nicest possible way, of course). For example, Friday is laundry day, Saturday morning is supermarket time, Sunday morning is mowing the lawn and washing the car, Sunday 3 p.m. is taking the kids swimming, Sunday 5 p.m. is picking them up again, and so forth.

Women who have children under five years old, have no time at all during the average working day. A day which starts at 6 a.m. and ends at midnight! Because most women allow their entire waking lives to be structured for them by children and male partners, this makes it very hard for women with children to become free. They often have to wait until their children are grown up.

Huge blocks of people's time are structured for them by other people (spouse, children) leaving them almost zero time for personal development.

Does this sound like you?

Yet these people would claim to be free!


The 'normal' person believes, either overtly, or covertly, that there is some sort of all-powerful God or supernatural being, watching over him, and taking a personal interest in his drab, pathetic little life! This same being has a kind of book, in which it marks the times when you've been a good, and the times when you've been a naughty boy. When you die, if the GOOD BOY points don't outweigh the NAUGHTY BOY points, then you will be SEVERELY PUNISHED - possibly for all eternity! So the 'normal' person struggles all of his life to try and live by rules imposed by other people, or groups of people. He worries if he transgresses their laws, and he spends a certain amount of time agonising, looking over his shoulder or confessing his 'sins'.

Even those who profess atheism still retain a nagging doubt in the back of their minds that somewhere a score is being kept of their 'good' deeds vs. their 'bad' deeds. There are very, very few people who are free of this somewhat silly and childish belief.

Does this sound even a little bit like you?

Yet this person claims to be FREE!

The Law

The 'normal' person believes that, because he lives in a democracy, he has freedom of choice! Yet he hands over huge blocks of his personal power to other human beings (politicians, policemen, bureaucrats, judges etc.) and asks them to rule his life. He begs them to make laws which will control his movements; he moans and whines if someone appears to escape the law.

He wants the law tightened up, with no loopholes, and no possibility of escape.

He wants laws which prevent him from driving too fast, that restrict the films he can watch, or the magazines he can buy. He wants laws which prevent him from taking drugs if he so desires, or watching a pornographic movie if he desires, or visiting a prostitute or building a car in his back yard and driving it, or owning a boat without a licence, or extending his own house. He wants tough laws restricting the investments he is allowed to make. He demands that rules are passed granting access to his bank accounts and to video him wherever he walks or drives.

He wants all these laws and more.

He gladly hands over almost all of his personal power to the lawmakers and enforcers, until he has almost none left, and he is forced to abide by society's every rule and regulation. A politician only has to chant “tuffoncrime” and he will nod energetically and sign over another personal freedom to the state.

Does this apply to you?

Yet this same person will tell you that he is free!


The 'normal' person is prepared to fight and die for 'his country', often with little or no information about the true nature of the conflict. He is prepared to march off to some foreign field, and get his head blown off on the whim of another human being. Someone only has to trot out a few platitudes about 'sacrifice' or 'sense of honour' or 'duty' to get normal people queuing up in droves to be first over the top. Furthermore, he accepts as normal, laws which allow agents of force to imprison him if he refuses to recklessly expose himself to death in this manner.

This, he considers acceptable and reasonable.

Yet he claims to be free!

The Government

The 'normal' person believes that the government is a 'good thing' and absolutely necessary. He gladly hands over all responsibility (personal power) to a group of third-rate human beings, and then lets them get on with ruling his life. He willingly accepts an almost complete lack of accountability on their part, whilst believing that he has 'choice'. He never recognises that the real choice is between grasping personal power, and handing over personal power. The choice he exercises is simply the choice between exactly who will take his personal power away from him.

This same 'normal' man knows almost nothing whatsoever about the mechanism of the government to which he has so willingly handed over power. If closely questioned, he could only come up with a mere handful of childish facts concerning the workings of governments. He knows and cares little about the 'secret machinations' which go on behind closed doors, and the decisions which are taken about his life. He willingly trots off to the polling booth each time, secure in the knowledge that he is exercising his little bit of personal power and mouthing the benefits of living in a democracy.

Does this sound like you?

But this person claims to be 'free'!


The 'normal' person willingly hands over at least FIFTY PERCENT of his personal wealth, in the form of taxes, to other people to spend as they see fit. He neither asks for, nor expects accountability. He doesn't know where his money is spent (except in the vaguest way), and he doesn't care. He doesn't ask for facts and figures, or expect accountability, honesty or efficiency. If he tries to withhold his money, then agents of force will come and take him and throw him in jail. The state has the absolute right to confiscate half of his life efforts and uses brute force to do so. Resist and his door will be kicked down and his possessions forcibly looted for redistribution to non-producers.

He accepts this as reasonable and normal.

He is taught nothing whatsoever in school about how his own government handle the country's finances. The government judge that the geography of the Appalachian mountains is of far more practical use - strange thing, that! He does not question this lack of knowledge, or the possible reasons why it is withheld.

If he were to ask the government for an itemised bill of where his money (taxes) had been spent, he would be met with blank stares and vague answers. Some of the items on which his money is squandered are not even discussed or discussible in parliament - the secret services for example. If he pushes too hard his name will be added to a ‘trouble maker’ list and he will be put under surveillance for daring to question of speak out. Yet he accepts this as reasonable.

This person claims to be free!

The Media

The 'normal' person reads newspapers, watches television news and current affairs, listens to radio news broadcasts and actually believes many of the items he hears.

More importantly, he spends a significant amount of his time debating these issues with friends, and pontificating about the rights/wrongs of the particular issue in question. In this manner, his emotions are controlled by whatever news story the media decide that they will release to him that day. He holds a huge collection of opinions and views about every conceivable topic from nuclear power to abortion, and spends a significant amount of his time explaining and defending these views.

This, despite the fact that he often has almost no knowledge at all about these topics, and is merely repeating 'information bites' released by the media. Furthermore his beliefs are confused and self-contradictory; he would be absolutely unable to defend them in any rational argument.

He watches televised debates about a certain topical issue, and actually takes one side or the other! - even becoming hot under the collar when the opposition view is being expressed. In this way, his opinions and views are safely polarised into one camp or another, and firmly away from any real choices/decisions/debates.

Does this sound like you?

Yet this person claims to be free!

So how free do you feel now?

If even one of these situations is similar to your own, then you are not free. If you were honest with yourself, you would realise that many, if not all of the situations described above, apply more or less directly to you. The exact detail might vary, but that is not the point, is it? If you are to make headway in your studies, then you must become ruthlessly honest with yourself - starting from now! Admit that I touched a raw nerve or two there.

Understood from the perspective of the Inner circle Initiate, the 'normal' person described above is a truly pathetic specimen! This person allows himself to be controlled by others for almost every single minute of his waking life. He is pathetically grateful for a 'few minutes' to himself once or twice a week, and will, like a puppy dog, seek to 'make up' for this time generously allowed him by his masters. He actively seeks to be controlled (for reasons which I will explain), and panics if controls are relaxed. If too many controls are released, then he will run around like a headless chicken, desperately trying to find someone - anyone - to control him.

What Controls The Normal Person

He is controlled by MONEY. The Initiate controls money.

He is controlled by BOSSES. The initiate is the boss.

He is controlled by LAWS and GOVERNMENT. The Initiate operates from his own set of internally generated guidance principles.

He is controlled by RELIGIOUS FEAR. The Initiate is not religious in any commonly understood meaning of the word and sees religion as the single biggest force for evil on the planet.

He is controlled by IMAGE and behaves in a manner which he believes others will find acceptable. The Initiate takes no notice whatsoever of IMAGE and behaves in a way which he or she finds acceptable.

He is controlled by RELATIONSHIPS. The Initiate only involves himself in mutually beneficial, un-controlling relationships.

He is controlled by the MEDIA and allows the media to influence his thoughts. The Initiate takes no notice whatsoever of the media.

He is controlled by the illusion of 'country' and exposes himself to serious danger in times of 'National Crisis'. The Initiate never places himself in this kind of danger.

Removing Controls

Axiom #1:- In order to become free, the Inner circle Initiate must greatly reduce the external controls placed on his life.

As an Initiate, you will not allow yourself to be controlled by anyone. You will learn to recognise the various controlling tactics of certain individuals, organisations and institutions for what they are, and not allow them to influence your life. These people and institutions are referred to as Controlling Artists, or Con-Artists, by Inner circle members.

You will learn that these Controlling Artists have a vested interest in trying to control you, for in this manner they can maximise the volume of life's pleasures which come their way. By bending the talents, energy and time of the mass of people to their will, such individuals and organisations seek to profit with minimum effort on their part.

This can be summarised in the following axiom:-

Axiom #2:- Many people seek to maximise the volume of life's pleasures which flow their way, by 'conning' money, energy, time and talent from other people.

Eight Weapons - Six Illusions

As an Inner circle member, you will learn about the eight weapons which the con-artists use to extract value from you. You will learn how these eight weapons are mercilessly used by the controlling artist in an attempt to get you to sacrifice your life-energies to the controlling artist, who is operating one of the six illusions. You will learn to laugh in the face of these confidence tricks, and unmask them for the hollow sham that they are. In this manner you will gain great freedom and personal power, because no person or institution will be able to control you.

Normal people, in contrast. allow themselves to be almost totally controlled by external agencies throughout every minute of their miserable waking lives. Moreover, they positively invite control, almost beg for it, in fact. For ordinary folk, control means release from the responsibility for their own lives - they do not need to think about fulfilling their potential. They can happily dream their time away, whilst allowing any and every puppet-master to pull their strings.

Allowing themselves to be controlled by others offers the normal person a perfect excuse for non-action. They can look back over their uneventful and drab lives and point the finger of blame at whatever puppet-master had control of them at the time. They will pile blame upon the external controlling agency, and thereby give themselves a perfect alibi for murder. Murder of their own life by slow suffocation.

Their lives are ruled by the excuse: "If only....."

"If only such and such a puppet-master had not been in control of me at the time, I could have done so much....."

Inner circle members have total contempt for the way such people lie to themselves about the reality of their lives. They know that the world is brimming-over with people who are desperate to control others, just as it is brimming-over with people who are desperate to have others control them.

He is content to let both sets of people act out their games, and while-away their lives until they die.

He is not, repeat NOT trying to change this state of ignorance.

Inner circle members play no part in such games. They recognise all controlling tactics – even subtle ones - for what they are, and quite simply ignore them. IC Initiates are in control of themselves, and allow no other agency to assume this awesome responsibility. In this way, you have absolutely no-one to blame, and you move through life with power, purpose and certainty.

Why Others Seek To Control You

What is 'control' understood in the Inner circle sense?

Inner circle Definition #1:- CONTROL

Control is the attempt by con-artists to extract value from you under false pretences.

Inner circle Definition #2:- VALUE

A tradable commodity which enhances the life of the recipient, and diminishes the life of the giver. Thus, 'value' can be money, time, work, effort, kudos, loyalty, support, docility, worship, or sacrifice, to name but a few.

Inner circle Definition #3:- FALSE PRETENCES

The trade of values where one, or both of the traders has incorrect information about the nature of the transaction, or has no choice about entering in

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