Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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An Image of Our Heaven


Created by Saroj Kumari Prasad at Wesley

Hospital July 2012


Where is the Heaven? My Lord, I asked as a


Is it not just a friendly garden plot in the mild?

Walled with the horizon and roofed with the


Where the holy days just keep passing one by


Heaven is right here where you dwell my child,

It so becomes if you act well your part and are

not wild.

Unlike the hell it is not too fast and not very


No one is looking backward just forward they


The beauties admired and the ugliness is left


It gives us peace and comfort and the positive


There are no temples and no priests for our


Our home is our temple our heart says the


Our inside is all bright there is no need for any


All the days are calm and there is no sight of a


Sinners of the earth spread a lot of hatred and

war to repent,

Heavenly ones enjoy peace and calm their life' s

well spent.

Our Heaven is here if we are good, truthful

and nice,

Many have made this earth a hell by spreading

many lies.


Everyone's happy when the Heaven begins the


We can feel the joy when the eager heart has

to say,

Surely if we've seen God resting in his peaceful


What a hearty feeling if we've seen Him face to


He dwells in the loveliness of all the pretty


He' s giving us service after we've had our


He talks to us softly His hands blessing us, we


It is bliss to reach Nirvana and feel we are all


After years of living a joyous family life I want

a place,

Heaven is where my love and I'll dwell by

God's grace.

Our words, thoughts and deeds have been our


No doubt we'll dwell peacefully to serve our


Nothing more is our wish and we seek nothing

else here,

We lived, loved and liked the world, this was

our sphere.

We were born with nothing and we'll depart in

the same way,

All that we earned were our good actions and

our cultural way.

When we are gone we want no accolade and

praise for us,

No traditional ceremonies and no functions to

please us.

We did our best to raise our children, who in

turn looked after us,

Let all our children and others rejoice here to

try to remember us.



