Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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How can I ever forget the face that was like a

bright sunshine?

Her entire beauty was charming like so many

angels divine.

How can I overlook her smiles that were so

lovingly sweet?

Just a mere glimpse used to always knock me

off my feet.


How can I spend my days without seeing and

feeling you?

I just want to prove my point that my love was

always true.

I loved you heaps and you did too to keep me

in your heart,

Living without you for the last three years has

torn me apart.


I now have many recollections of those

treasured memories,

Your lost laughter and your care for me are

my real worries.

The memories of fragrances are all so warm

and sweet,

They are haunting me and creating a deep

urge to meet.


Shall I hold myself and keep yearning for your

return to me?

Or shall I follow the path that you followed

after leaving me?

I can’t live any more without your love and

tender loving care,

I am now hiding my sorrows and loneliness

better than ever.


Time has been my greatest healer of all the

sadness and pain,

I kept you at my side and company of your

soul kept me sane.

Life has been hard but living with your

memories made it easy,

To keep loving you the way I used to and so I

kept myself busy.





Last night as I lay on my bed I thought about

my past

A lot of fond memories of life came to haunt

me at last

All the thoughts of my lost love came to me

quite strong

I longed for a hug from someone and my wish

to belong

All the feelings of my love played a tune so sad

and long

I kept awake and was rolling in my bed whole

 night long


She was the one I loved with all my heart and

soul alike

She was the one I kept thinking after the

midnight strike

She was the one who made all things of my life

come right

She's the one whom I keep in my dreams

through the night

She was my might, my sight and I long to be

with her for life

My life is now all shattered and I dwell here

without my wife


The enchanted fragrance of the roses used to

enter my room

When she became by pretty bride and I turned

in her groom

In the crowd that was around our life she was

the only sight

I remained her shining star and she became

my only delight

She was the one who colored my life to take it

to new heights

She brought extreme joy every time I went on

my new flights


We enjoyed a long lovely life and stayed at

each other's side

We were good companions giving each other

the best guide

We loved and we cared for each other with

tender loving care

We did everything for each other when we

traveled anywhere

We gave sun shine to each other and never

cared for any fears

We gathered the raindrops when it rained

never had any tears


As long as we lived we loved our family life and

remained true

Everything fell apart when she left and I kept

saying I love you

My blood pounds through my body and I long

to live with her

Love and emotions cruise through my veins

wanting to hug her

The endless streams of passion corrupt my

heart and my soul

I long to be in heaven to rejuvenate my life

with departed soul


I still want her to guide me as before blinding

and binding me

Let her touches feed my soul to say she

cannot live without me

Empty is my heart empty is my home I long to

get that embrace

This loneliness is thrashing me and melting

me without a trace

All our past passion comes alive and is fusing

our souls alike


There is fire in this heart that wants to

explode and to strike.





This story of our love life is hard to narrate

But to all the true lovers this’ll sound great

For us this has remained our incomplete story

We need to be reborn to complete the story


We came close and all distances were reduced

Our love got matured and we were produced

As a loving couple we were blessed with love

The pleasure was great with blessing from



Colors were galore in our life when she was


Our world was like heaven when she was near

Love life had reached its destination with pride

We needed nothing more in this smooth ride


We enjoyed all the fragrances that we received

Thirsts were quenched with love we conceived

We walked far and wide hand in hand in our


Fully contend in life we had a lot more to enjoy


Our journey of love collided with nature head


My beloved was stolen from me I kept looking


We had walked in love together for half a


Lost each other forever and there was no re-



Our names were cleared off from the sands of


I was left behind with a deep love for her in


The collision caused me pain and left me


I‘ve kept my search for her, nothing else



I’ve walked far for years and have looked


I can’t enter her realm but wait until I get all

 line clear

Then I can join her and rejuvenate our love

with pride

We want the moon and the sun to be our good



This awaited journey of my thirst for love must

end soon

All things that were full of love must get

completed soon

Then the sky will bow down and the two

worlds will meet

The palanquin will be decorated for the two

souls to meet


I‘ve reached the time in my life to see that

 meeting place

It’s our next dwelling somewhere in that

heavenly place

Even God Almighty will come to read our

stories of love

We’ll plead for true lovers to live forever as

they do above.

