Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Reflections Of My Pretty Lotus


I remember all those happy days,

Those times she called our own

In all those well-loved places

Where I now grieve on my own.

All those small endearing gestures,

Which I thought I knew so well,

Are fading away as time passes,

With her words, her sight, her smell.

But then there is that time,

That time within the day,

When you feel she is mine

In that old familiar way.

But as you turn to see her smile

Or receive a tender touch,

There's  a dark shadow of a mile

Of the one you loved so much.

And tears begin to fall

In that hole of deep despair,

And memories overwhelm me all

More than your heart can bear.

As I remember her gentle grace

And her love so soft but strong,

My heart will simply miss a space

As I miss her life, all her song.

I want to rewind the clock

And say how much I care;

I want to silence the talk

That she's not there to share.

But I still smile and chat

Amiably to family and friends

I hope they feel all that

When my world is full of bends.

She knew that I will carry on living

Because that’s what she told me

That if she had to make a living

She would be happy to choose me.

Such is my life all solitary and alone

But I love it because I am with my love

Memories are fond lest she is gone

She’s in my heart and I have my love.   



Lasting Image


My heart slowed down after so much of rejoice

My family life has given sorrows left no choice

My vision has shivered with a shooting star

Life’s bringing me fond memories from afar

She is lost in the heaven typhoon in my mind

My life is left with pain that is of unique kind

The one who was the centre of my heart beat

Is lost in the oblivion putting me in cold seat

All my wishes of living have been lost forever

Silence looms in my solitary life like the fever

The shines of life have all turned into loneliness

There’s no hope left, gone are all my brightness

She has left a lasting image in my lonesome life

Heaven is happy after burning my flowery life

My love that has passed away is haunting me

There are tears in my eyes days are hurting me

She lives in my thoughts and melodies all day

I miss her heaps but find it very difficult to say

From our two bodies we lived just as one soul

To love and cherish each other was our goal

What I’ve lost cannot be found ever in my life

When darkness falls, she shines as my only lite



Memories Galore


I have memories galore of the past loving years

There are words and thoughts of creeping fears

The route ahead now looks all confusing and dark

Walking alone is painful without that lovely mark

I am lost in that forest searching for that lost life

Every moment I long for the lost love of my wife

All that was given to me has shattered and gone

Dark clouds on my horizon nothing can be done

All moments lead me to a state of utter confusion

There’s no life here my fate is denying conclusion

There’s no one to guide me now and lead the way

I am looking for my beloved every night and day

Every season looks dull there’s no happiness here

My sight has lost all the shines in the atmosphere

Ages have passed since I had any lovely dreams

I lament my loss and my bed makes the screams

The image in the mirror teases me to stay away

The stones in my hand cannot break that array.



Could Not Find My Love


My heart longs to love but there’s no lover in my


My heart’s for sale but I can’t find a buyer that’s


There must be someone who has the feeling of

sorrow and pain

There must be someone who can erase my

loneliness again

I can sacrifice my heart, soul and all my life for the

one alone

The one who has the acceptance of my love in the

eyes shown

I would forgive and forget all the stress and strain

of my life

If I could just find that special being only once in

my strife

I know not how many wintry nights I have spent in

 the search

I have written hundreds of poems for the one I am

 in search

I have gathered my hearty wishes and knocked at

many doors

I have not being able to find the one I loved on any

orderly floors.



You Will Flourish


Millions of moths get burnt in search of secrets

Lamps are to give light not to burn the crickets

I am ready to reveal all my feeling and emotion

I loved her dearly always with my great passion

She’s gone but not forgotten I miss her very much

Those who go away don’t return I know life is such

Those who cry should assess their pain properly

Let not the tears fall but contain them carefully

Let me spill out all my pains and sorrows today

They keep on coming as punishment everyday

I had a feeling she would return home one day

I have changed my mind to stay with her today

Light as many lamps and fly over them to vanish

Let the love last forever and then you will flourish.
