Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Dream To Forever Last


When my days are darker and the nights are


Heart pains, eyes search and my head goes all


There’s nothing to do but think of you and

only you,

I reach out wanting to see that light that

brings you.

I get the glare and the shine but I still can’t

 find you,

I want to hear the sweet voice that tells me it’s


I’d like to hold you tight and get the same


When I get nearer I see you and I in different


You’re in heaven and I’m still dwelling in sinful


My wish is to hold your hand cos I’ve stories to


When I open my eyes to begin the tales of our


I know it is only a dream but hope it to forever


You’ve become but a distant fond memory of

the past,

The flashbacks and the foregrounding all

make a blast.

They haunt and force me to hum that often

sung song,

The parted soul would meet one day right or





If I could be anything else in this world I

would want to be your teardrop because I

would be born in your radiant eyes, live on

your cool cheeks and die on your sweet lips.




That Is Lakhan’s Life


I wrote a name in the sky during my college


I saw that the strong wind came and blew it


Then I wrote that same name in the sand

some days,

The waves of the ocean came and washed it


On parting, I wrote that name in a hearty


I made it sure that forever that name would


Did I tell her that I liked her? Yes I did.

Did I tell her that she was an angel? Yes I did.

Did I tell her that we could live together? Yes I


Did I tell her that she was pretty? Yes I did.

If I did then why are we so far away now? Fate!

I am here and she is there, that is not great!

We parted one morning because of health


We promised to be connected without any


Life was shattered without any physical


I am crying my heart begging for the same


She is far and unable to hear all my intimate


My days pass with painful cry and very mighty


I wear a fake smile to hide my world torn


Underneath that dismal smile is a broken


All fond memories haunt me now I made a


Why did I let her go but put more care I could


All those golden memories are slowly fading


Time moves on and I am repenting it all the


The Pretty Lotus shall never meet me, it


Time moved and over half a century now


We had great feelings for each other all along.

On my deathbed I will repent with my sad


It now seems I hurt the one I loved, I know not


I am so distraught and lonely, I still know not


All hopes have faded and all reunion has gone,

Will I ever get over the great loss I have done?

Rose was the pretty flower once in my life,

Lotus replaced my pond and became my wife.

My Pretty Lotus gave me true gift of my life,

She loved me dearly and was a devoted wife.

No one will ever replace her company in my


This world is now all illusion and is full of


For all my friends I have this new message,

True love is a bright light in a dark passage.

Faithful lovers keep that alight and burning,

It is a sweet fragrance that needs smelling,

So keep a bit of space in your heart my dear.

Let this eternal love flourish forever without


Our emotions will recognize no barriers I say,

It will jump, leap and penetrate space all day.

True lovers have no hurdles, fences and walls,

They show their tender loving care at all calls.

Lovers are more alike than unlike this I know,

Lovers see themselves in each other and grow.

Now that we cannot be lovers, husband and


Saroj in heaven, me in hell and that is

Lakhan's life.

I am learning to live my life the best I can,

But it is hard when the heat is high without a


My Pretty Lotus is gone but not forgotten,

The fond memories are many to be easily


Lakhan and Saroj, Saroj and Lakhan are


The love that began long ago will remain




