Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Things you didn’t do, My Love.

15th August 2013


Saroj today's your birthday and I invited you

to come, but you didn't.

So I am celebrating it with your multiple

memories all around us.

I wanted you to hear me sing the birthday

song, but you didn't.

So I am playing a ghazal of my choice to

satisfy you and me.


There are things that my Saroj didn't do and I

wish I had told her.

Saroj do you remember the day I first met you

at the College Library?

It was my love at first sight and I confirmed

this, but you didn't.

We talked and worked together for a year no

one knew our secret.

I was madly in love and I told you so, you

waited but you didn't.

As a good girl you wanted to be careful and

think well.

I thought you would disappoint me, but you


Do you remember the Workers strike that

separated us from College?

We left in a hurry and longed to see you, and

you did too.


Do you remember writing to me and saying

sorry for all this?

I thought I had lost my first love forever, but

you didn't.

Do you remember the day I wrote a nasty

letter to you?

I thought you would send me equally bad

reply, but you didn't.

Do you remember the day I married you and

took you home?

I thought you wouldn't like the difficult rural

life, but you didn't.

Do you remember my people hurling abuse at

you and hurting you?

I thought you would tell them off and dislike

them, but you didn't.


Do you remember the day I borrowed your pen

and spoilt it?

I was afraid and thought you would yell at me,

but you didn't.

Do you remember the day I took you to the

beach for relaxing?

You said you would love to swim in the ocean,

but you didn't.

Many times I thought you would bluntly say I

told you so!

But when the time came to tell me off for my

faults, you didn't.


You nurtured our four children with pride

while I trotted the world.

When the time came to look after your own

health, you didn't.


You served the interests of others first and you

suffered internally.

When I wanted you to look after your own

health, you didn't.

Do you remember the time I flirted with girls

to make you jealous?

I thought you would hate me and leave me for

good, but you didn't.

Do you remember once when I was angry and   

told you off rudely?

I thought you would feel bad and leave me,

but you didn't.

God gave you the serenity to accept things you

couldn't change.

God granted you the courage to change the

things you could.

God served you with wisdom to know the


You should have punished me for my

trespasses, but you didn't.

Do you remember I hurt you and let you down

on many occasions?

I thought you would retaliate and hate me, but

you didn't.


Do you remember the time I didn't take you to

an important function?

I thought you would feel bad and stop going

with me, but you didn't.

Do you remember serving me with dignity for

over fifty years?

I thought you would get bored and feel tired,

but you didn't.

Do you remember when you were down and I

served you for a while?

I thought you would like my doing this for

you, but you didn't.

You said it was your duty to serve me but you

didn't expect that from me.

Yes my love, there were a lot of things you

didn't say and do.

But you put up with me; you loved me

unconditionally and protected me.


There are a lot of things I want to make up to

you when you rebirth.

I have been waiting for you to confirm the date

of arrival, but you didn't.

I loved you dearly for all you did for us for

those fifty five years.

We thought you would live with me like an

angel forever, but you didn't.

I thought I would gather enough courage to

apologise for my misdeeds.

You said you loved me so much that there was

no need, so I didn't.


Now I truly repent for not being able to say

sorry to you, my love.

I thought you wouldn't listen and won't forgive

me, but you did.


Maybe this is the reason you left me for good

and won't return.

I thought I would be able to sustain the pain

of losing you, but I didn't.

The drastic event of that Tuesday March 12

haunts me very much.

You collapsed in my arms and I wanted to

revive you, but you didn't.

Your two days on life support at the hospital

were like torture to me.

I waited for the miracle to happen for you to

revive, but you didn't.


The medical team did the best to give you back

to me, but you didn't.

When I had given up all my hopes of your

return, I whispered in your ears.

They reluctantly turned off the life support on

March 14 at 10 am.

I said I love you very much and wanted you to

hear me, but you didn't.

We sorrowfully laid you to rest in peace on

Saturday 16th

 March 2013.

In my eulogy I wanted you to listen to my

repentances, but you didn’t.