Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Pretty Lotus Cannot Be Found


As the golden light of the sun rises each


It reveals your pretty face and gives me


The day sparkles and waits for the night to


As the night retreats I long to hear the usual


Alas, the house is vacant and night remains


Making me feel lonely and become rather


Life had been so peaceful when you were


My rose, my life, the Pretty Lotus cannot be



Final farewell and the

Last Breadth of Life


Come back my darling before the end of my


I have waited long and this is my plea to my


This is the last call before my very last


This may be the last evening of my sorrowful


This is my last and final call of this wretched



Come back my darling before the end of my


Your name, fame and shine are in my


For my sake come and stand beside me my


The time’s running out and it’s the end of my


I’ve tried to live but it’s hard to live without my



I’ll enjoy while making the last journey of my


Your assurance of return will satisfy my eager


I’ve been yearning to see you return into my


For my sake do not delay cos I no longer can


I just want to give you my greetings my dear



I’ll abstain from tomorrow for the rest of my


Cos’ I’ll come and join you forever my dear


I’ll never ever make another call for your


But before I start let me take the last sip of


I want to tell everyone I’m happy to see my



My people have given me the last shower of


They wrapped my body and put it in the coffin,

It didn’t take long to light the pyre to end my


No one’s here to care for me after the end of


They’ve quickly let me off to go and meet my



This is the essence of living and the meaning

of life,

The world treats you such when you reach the


This is the final farewell and last breadth of

my life,

I endured a lot of pain and suffering during

my life,

No one ever cared for me as did my beloved



The time has come to say the final goodbye to


I’ve seen much sorrow and great betrayals in


Let this universe be all yours my people I’m


It’s my final goodbye to the world to meet my


It’s  farewell time and the final breadth of my





You are not forgotten my love

Nor will you ever be.

As long as life and memory last,

Your soul will live in me.





I now live and walk with my various sunken

sorrows and pain,

I limp, I stagger, I fall and I crawl but tolerate

all internal pain.

There is no faith, no belief and not even any

greed or pride,

Life seems wasted for good and all glory gone

 in losing stride.

I am slapped by my fate everyday robbed by

time at all location,

There is no solution there are many questions

full of emotion.

People say that time will change and the

damaged boat will sail,

But the deep love for the soul that blessed my

world shall never fail.

There are days when life moves on and I

rejoice with memories,

There are nights when life stands still and I

am full of worries.


My Love Is Not Ordinary


My love was and is like an ocean, it went and

goes down so deep,

My love is and was like a lotus, whose beauty I

want to keep.

My love was and is like a calm river of the

valley that will never end,

My love is and was like a dove with a beautiful

message to send.

My love was and is like a sweet song that goes

on and on forever,

My love is and was like a book and I wanted

her to read me forever.

My love was and is not ordinary and I want it

 to remain the same,

My love has flourished for ages to glow or to

remain the same.

