Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Things have changed when you are my air

that I breathe,

You have become my everything above me and



Things have changed when you are the sun in

my day,

You come as the moon in my night

and the spring in my day.


You are the stars in the sky and the birds in

the trees,

The shimmer, the sparkle, the shine, my ease

and my unease.


Without the light you had put into my life I

would be nothing,


I am fluttering like the single leaf on the

ground and rotting.


I am now lost, forgotten, alone and finding life

all hard,

I have many treasured memories that I keep in

my card.


I feel the pain and sorrow and repent that I

could not do much,

While you were caring for me with your calm

and tender touch.


I loved you then I love you now and I will love

 you forever,

You are My Pretty Lotus, my baby, my love

 and my lover.





Everyday and every night, when in vain I look

 to the sky,

I keep thinking of you and then ask myself,


Why did it happen to me that my soul mate

left before me?

Wasn’t my love strong enough to hold you

back for me?

Why do I still love you? I think and get many


I know in my heart that the list could run on

for miles.

The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your


So many little things that make me love you so


The way you supported me and helped me

with my emotions,

The way that you cared for me and showed

such devotions.

The way that your hugs filled my heart with


How you held me with the warmth of a blazing


The way your eyes used to shine when you

looked at me,

I’m now lost in you forever I know not where I

want to be.

I cannot describe the way that I felt when you

were by my side,

It was a sense of completion and overflowing

with joy and pride.

The dreams that I have now, all those involve

only you,

The possibilities I now see and the things we

can still do.

How can I solve the puzzle that lies inside my


Now deep in my soul, you are the most

important part.

I could go on for days and months, telling you

of what and how I feel,

But all you really must know is that my love

for you is divine and real.

What else should I do to express my loneliness

and sorrowful life?

I have lost everything after losing my love that

was my wife.