Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Pretty Lotus Resting

 In Peace


It was only seventy three years ago a pretty

princess was born in the Isle of Fiji,

She was to become my pretty Lotus and give

me all the glory of my life to see.

My maiden lived with no other thought than to

love and be loved by me,

She was born to serve and give her tender

loving care to everyone and me.


I was a teacher and she was a teacher to blend

as one to live in the village of Botini,

We loved with a love that was more than love

and got married with scrutiny.

Our love life was winged to fly the world and

enjoy life that was my lotus and me,

The reason for all our truth, beauty and

goodness in family life was all her tranquillity.


When the sun rose, the day went by and the

evening came she was always there,

To gather the family together and ensure that

everything we needed was always there.

Our love was much stronger and deeper than

the love of all those lovely birds,

The angels in heaven above and the lovers on

the earth adored us as lovebirds.


Our family life went on for ages all smooth and

full of ecstasy and glorious time,

Strong winds blew, hotter sun came out and it

rained and thundered some time.

My pretty lotus stood firm and strong for half

a century caring for us all,

But the cruel storm came out one morning

and made my darling fall.


Now the day comes and goes but the nights

are harder to spend in peace,

I no longer long for the moon and the stars

because my life is on a short lease,

There are dreams that bring My Pretty Lotus

to me to talk and give me some peace.

Now I see my darling, my life and my bride

traveling to heaven to rest in peace.


My life goes on as my beloved had asked me to

spend and conduct,

My angel is sleeping soundly and I have many

duties and tasks to conduct.

Let no more storms come and disturb me

because I do not want my dreams to end,

I do not want to dissever my soul from the

soul of My Pretty Lotus and come to an end.

