Thiru Thiru Thuru Thuru (Movie Script) by Nandhini J.S. - HTML preview

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Arjun ponders for a couple of seconds.




Arjun checks around the house to decide where exactly to 'break

in'... Archana is worried.


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He tries to push the back door but it doesn't open.


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She hits h er head. He finds a loose w indow, pu shes it o pen and

jum ps in. He si gna ls her an d s he st art s c lim bin g t hro ugh th e

window, cl umsily... while st ill holdi ng the ba by. She s tumbles

for a seco nd... he springs f orward an d holds h er. There 's that

ra r e ' m om e n t ' ag a i n . Ey e s p e er i n g a t e a c h ot h e r . Th e r e ' s

love. .. Y es. T hen they reco ver.. . an d st art s earc hing thro ugh

the house for more 'clues'.

Sud den ly the y h ear th e s oun d o f a c ar. Th ey pee p o uts ide th e

window and see Pratap and his wife coming back home.



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PAN IC. .. The y r un hel ter sh elt er to fi gur e o ut whe re to hid e

and tr y o ut all th e o dd pla ces a t f irs t.. . S oun d o f t he doo r

unloc king . The bab y cra wls under a b ed. They too crawl beh ind

her and hide.

Je ya nt h i op e ns t h e do o r an d b ar ge s i nt o t he ho us e , lo o ki ng

very angry. Pratap is trying to pacify her.


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