podían 3 pl. imp. ind. of
poder; nada podían they
could do nothing, were
podré 1 sing. fut. ind.
podría 1 and 3 sing.
cond. of poder
polvo m. dust
pollo m. chicken
ponderado p. p. of
ponderar to praise
poner to put; ponerse to
get, become; ponerse en
camino to set out; poner
en libertad to set free;
poner la mesa to set the
poniente m. West
por for, by, through, for
the sake of, in exchange
for; por entre among;
por allí over there; por
ciento per cent; por
entonces at that time
porción f. portion
porfía f. obstinacy;
obsequiaron a porfía
they rivalled each other
in showing attentions
porfiar to insist
porfió 3 sing. pret. ind.
of porfiar
porque because
porqué, por qué why
posada f. inn, hotel
posadera f. landlady,
innkeeper's wife
poseer to possess, own
poseía 1 and 3 sing. imp.
ind. poseo 1 sing. pres.
ind. of poseer
posible possible
potro m. colt
prado m. meadow, field
preceder to precede
precedido p. p. of
precio m. price
precioso precious
precisamente exactly
preciso necessary
preferir to prefer
prefiero 1 sing. pres.
ind. of preferir
pregunta f. question;
hacer una pregunta to
ask a question
pregunta 3 sing. pres.
ind. preguntando pres.
p. of preguntar
preguntar to ask
preguntaré 1 sing. fut.
ind. preguntaron 3 pl.
pret. ind. preguntó 3
sing. pret. ind. of
prendero m. pawnbroker
preparar to prepare
preparó 3 sing. pret. ind.
of preparar
presencia f. presence
presentaba 1 and 3 sing.
imp. ind. presentando
pres. p. of presentar
presentar to present
presentarás 2 sing. fut.
ind. of presentar
presente present
presentó 3 sing. pret.
ind. of presentar
preso imprisoned; m.
prestar to lend
presto 1 sing. pres. ind.
of prestar
primer, primero first
primor m. excellence,
princesa f. princess
principal principal, chief
príncipe m. prince
prisa f. hurry, haste;
tener prisa to be in a
prisionero m. prisoner
probable probable
probado p. p. of probar
probar to try, taste
probó 3 sing. pret. ind.
of probar
profundamente deeply
promesa f. promise
prometer to promise
prometido p. p. prometí 1 sing. pret. ind.
prometió 3 sing. pret.
ind. of prometer
pronto soon; tan pronto
como as soon as
propio own; same
provincia f. province
provisto (de) provided
próximo next
pudiera 1 and 3 sing.
imp. subj. of poder; si yo pudiera if I could
pudieran 3 pl. imp. subj.
of poder; pudieran Vds.
you might be able
pudo 3 sing. pret. ind. of
pueblo m. village, town; people
pueda 1 and 3 sing. pres.
subj. puede 3 sing. pres.
ind. pueden 3 pl. pres.
ind. puedes 2 sing. pres.
ind. puedo 1 sing. pres.
ind. of poder
puerca f. pig
puerco m. pig
puerta f. door, gate
puerto m. port, harbor
pues adv. then, therefore, well; conj. for, since, as;
pues bien very well, well
then; pues qué well then,
what then; pues que
puesto que since
pulso m. pulse; tomar el pulso to feel the pulse
punto m. point; a punto de on the point of
puñal m. dagger
puro pure
pusieron 3 pl. pret. ind.
puso 3 sing. pret. ind. of
que rel. pro. who, that, which; lo que what,
which; el que he who,
the one who; la que she
who, the one who
que conj. that; for; than, as; con que so then, so
that; que sea let it be;
que Alá los guarde may
Allah protect you
qué what; how; qué tal
what do you think of it;
qué bien how well; pues
qué what then, well then;
y qué and what of that;
qué tienes what's the
matter with you
quedar, quedarse to
quedo quiet
quejido m. moan
quemaban 3 pl. imp. ind.
quemado p. p. of
quemar to burn;
mandar quemar to
order to be burned
querer to wish, want;
quería 1 and 3 sing. imp.
ind. querían 3 pl. imp.
ind. querido p. p.
queriendo pres. p. of
quien, quién who; de
quien whose; a quien
quiera 1 and 3 sing.
pres. subj. quieras 2
sing. pres. subj. quiere 3
sing. pres. ind. quieres 2
sing. pres. ind. quiero 1
sing. pres. ind. of querer
quieto quiet, still
quinientos five hundred
quisiera 1 and 3 sing.
imp. subj. of querer; I
should like, he would
quitar, quitarse to take
away, take off, remove
quitó 3 sing. pret. ind. of
rabia f. rage
raro rare, odd
rayo m. ray, beam
raza f. race
razonable reasonable
real m. ( 1/4 of a peseta or about 5 cents)
recetado p. p. of recetar
recetar to prescribe
recibido p. p. recibió 3
sing. pret. ind. of recibir
recibir to receive
recibirá 3 sing. fut. ind.
of recibir
recluta m. recruit
recoger to get again,
pick up
recogeré 1 sing. fut. ind.
of recoger
reconocer to recognize
reconoces 2 sing. pres.
ind. of reconocer
recorrer to go over, go
all through
recorrió 3 sing. pret. ind.
of recorrer
recuerdo m. souvenir,
referir to refer, relate,
refirieron 3 pl. pret. ind.
refirió 3 sing pret. ind. of
regalar to give, present
regalo 1 sing. pres. ind.
regaló 3 sing. pret. ind.
of regalar
regalo m. present, gift; gratification, regalement
regla f. rule
regocijo m. rejoicing
rehusar to refuse
reloj m. clock, watch
remediar to remedy,
remedio m. remedy, help
remendando pres. p. of
remendar to mend
remozado p. p. of
remozar to rejuvenate,
make young again
remozarán 3 pl. fut.
ind. of remozar
rendir, rendirse to
replica 3 sing. pres. ind.
of replicar
replicar to reply
replicó 3 sing. pret. ind.
of replicar
reposaba 1 and 3 sing.
imp. ind. of reposar
reposar to rest, repose
reprender to reprove,
reprendió 3 sing. pret.
ind. of reprender
requisito m. requisite
rescate m. ransom
resignar to resign;
resignarse to be resigned
resistencia f. resistance
resoplido m. snort
responde 3 sing. pres.
ind. of responder
responder to answer,
respondió 3 sing. pret.
ind. of responder
respondiole = le
respuesta f. answer,
retroceder to draw back
retrocedió 3 sing. pret.
ind. of retroceder
reverdecen 3 pl. pres.
ind. of reverdecer
reverdecer to grow
green again
revuelta f. return,
rey m. king
rico rich; el rico the rich man
rienda f. rein
rigor m. rigor, severity; en rigor to be precise,
strictly speaking
río m. river
riqueza f. wealth
robado p. p. of robar
robar to steal
roca f. rock
rodeaban 3 pl. imp. ind.
of rodear
rodeado p. p. of rodear; rodeado de surrounded
rodear to surround
rojo red
Romeo m. Romeo
rostro m. face
rotundamente roundly,
rudamente roughly, hard
rudo rough, hard
ruido m. noise
sabe 3 sing. pres. ind.
saben 3 pl. pres. ind. of
saber to know, know
how; learn
sabes 2 sing. pres. ind.
sabía 1 and 3 sing. imp.
ind. sabían 3 pl. imp.
ind. of saber
sabido p. p. of saber; tenga sabido learn, bear
in mind
sabio wise; m. wise man, sage
sacar to take out, bring
out, put out
sacaron 3 pl. pret. ind.
sacó 3 sing. pret. ind. of
sacre m. falcon
sacudió 3 sing. pret. ind.
of sacudir
sacudir to shake
sala f. room
salario m. salary, pay
salga 1 and 3 sing. pres.
subj. of salir; que salga let him (her) come forth;
salga bien o mal whether
it prove good or bad
salía 1 and 3 sing. imp.
ind. salido p. p. saliendo pres. p. salieron 3 pl.
pret. ind. salió 3 sing.
pret. ind. of salir
salir to go out, come out,
saltar to leap, jump
saltó 3 sing. pret. ind. of
saludar to greet, salute
saludó 3 sing. pret. ind.
of saludar
salvar to save
salvó 3 sing. pret. ind. of
Satanás m. Satan
satisfecho (de or con) satisfied (with)
se reflex pro. himself, herself, themselves,
yourself, yourselves; to
himself, etc.
se pers. pro. It is used as a substitute for le, les when these are
immediately followed by
another pronoun of the
third person. So se lo means, it to him (her,
them, you) Se lo doy I
give it to him (her, them,
sé 1 sing. pres. ind. of