When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Two years ago today we had a delicious

meal together

We talked, laughed and played our

scrabble together

Little I knew that you would leave me the

next day

But you did go away silently without

anything to say

Now I keep staring at the little dots in the

blue sky

Wondering which one is you and I keep

asking why?

My questions do not bring any answers so

I do cry

My loneliness bothers me but I manage

and do try

It gets harder when I remember the last

story you told

In this hot summer weather I have never

felt so cold


You told me to hold on and be a strong

man you loved

You wanted me to live my life and do my

things I loved

In all those songs I still hear your sweet

voice at night

In all those flowers of our garden I see all

your might

But one thing that hurts me most and I

feel empty

When I go to bed at night your space is all


I have nothing else but your memory that

comforts me

Your tender loving care and your mystic

smile hurts me

Missing you everyday is like a

rollercoaster kind of ride

My emotions go up and down you are not

by my side

But as you said I will hold on and I will be

a strong man


I will live my life well and do my things as

best as I can

I give you my promise that in my life come

what may

I will treasure your love and celebrate

your loving way.

