When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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There is no more that sweet voice in my home

The voice that cheered me for so many years

The pond's dry and my Pretty Lotus a gnome

Once my joy she now fills my eyes with tears

Our walks and talks have ended, nothing's left

No more chats in the back yard I am all alone

Our sweet home bites me now that we are cleft

My nest looks empty, my love bird has flown

Our days were full of happiness we to rejoice

Our nights brought moments of love and joy

Fields have fled where we matched our voice

Whenever I wander home now, I find no joy

We had made our own nest to love and live

Now they're gone for good leaving ill and I

My paths, my gardens have nothing to give

I may last a while now I am only a passer-by.

