When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Final farewell and the

Last Breadth of Life


A year has passed since I last had you in

my arm

I longed to be re-united with you with

great charm

Nature didn't allow this wish so I had to

keep calm

I have to wait until my soul comes out in

my palm


Come back my darling before the end of

this life

I have waited long and this is my plea to

my wife

This may be the last evening of my

sorrowful life

It may be last and final call of this

wretched life


Let us join in again darling before the end

of my life

For my sake come and stand beside me

my wife


Time's running out and soon it'll be end of

my life

I have tried to live but it is hard without

my wife


I'll enjoy while making the last journey of

my life

Your assurance of return will satisfy my

lonely life

I've been yearning to see you return into

my life

It's the last call before my soul gets out

of my life


I just want to give you my salute my dear


I'll  abstain from tomorrow for the rest of

my life

Cos' I'll come and join you forever my

dear wife

I'll never ever make another such call in

my life


But before I start let me take the last sip

of my life

I want to tell everyone I am going to see

my wife

My people have given me the last shower

of life

They have wrapped my body and put it in

a coffin rife


It didn't take long to light the pyre to end

my life

No one's here to care for me after the end

of life

They've quickly let me off to go and meet

my wife

It is the essence of living and the

meaning of life


The world treats you so when you reach

the end

It's the final farewell and last breadth at

the end

I dared a lot of pain and suffering during

my this life

When the time comes I'll say final

goodbye to this life


It'll be final goodbye to the world to meet

my wife

It's my farewell time and final breadth of

my life

I've seen much sorrow and great

betrayals in life

It's no use living when you're lonely

without a wife


Let this universe be all yours my people

I'm going

Whatever I was asked to do here I

managed doing

Take me to the memorial gardens and

end my life

I'll rejoice this journey I am going to meet

my wife.

