When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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No one can imagine that pain so deep

down inside me

No one can feel the sorrow so intense

down inside me

I cannot explain these in words and can't

simply write

Times are difficult life is hard and my

living is so tight

The reason for these changed conditions

is my loss

Gone was the most precious treasure,

wife my boss

She was my life, she was my love and she

was my all

She was loving, she was pretty she

always stood tall

The pain of her departure has torn my

heart and soul

The sorrow of her passing away has

changed my role

A loving husband has been turned into a

sad widower

A strong man is now failing everywhere

and is weaker

This loss has affected my eating,

sleeping and living

She cannot be easily forgotten she was

so forgiving

There is a feeling of loneliness and I am

living alone

The shine inside me quickly died after

she was gone

No one can fix my life they can only

repair this pain

Kind words, frequent visits and tender

care by people gain

There is no greater pain to witness for

me on the sad face

There is no deeper sorrow to hurt me at

this hearty place


Eyes now can't see my beloved but I've

all fond memories

Heart can't feel her presence but I've all

her energies

My sad heart is vaulted and I'm scared to

let anyone in

There's no one as sweet and loving as

you to be found again

It doesn't matter how many oceans and

rivers I sometimes cry

My heart will never let you go and I don't

want to say good bye

Lakhan now spends a lot of his time

where you used to lay

He sits alone, wondering and saying

where is my Saroj today.