Technology Books

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Showing results: 111-120 of 225
Wavelet-based Techniques in MRS

Wavelet-based Techniques in MRS

A. Suvichakorn *, H. Ratiney,S. Cavassila† and J.- | Technology
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This book describes why wavelet-based techniques have been proposed for spectral line estimation in MRS which is a unique non-invasive tool for monitoring human brain tumors among other diseases connected to the brain.

Silver Nanoparticles as Optical Sensors

Silver Nanoparticles as Optical Sensors

Chien Wang, Marta Luconi, Adriana Masi and Liliana | Technology
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This book discusses how silver nanoparticles, due to its unusual optical, electronic and chemical properties, can be used to converts light rays into electronic signals.

Thermodynamic Properties of Nano-Silver and Alloy Particles

Thermodynamic Properties of Nano-Silver and Alloy Particles

Wangyu Hu, Shifang Xiao, Huiqiu Deng, Wenhua Luo a | Technology
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This book thoroughly discusses how the subject thermodynamics of nano-silver and alloy particles has been systematically studied by combining analytical embedded atom method and calculating Gibbs free energy method together with molecular dynamic and Monte Carlo techniques.

Dynamic Space-Code Multiple Access (DSCMA) System: A Double Interference Cancellation Multiple Access Scheme in Wireless

Dynamic Space-Code Multiple Access (DSCMA) System: A Double Interference Cancellation Multiple Access Scheme in Wireless

Chee Kyun Ng, Nor Kamariah Noordin, Borhanuddin Mo | Technology
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This study is focused on how cellular mobile phone systems have evolved from the basic 1G FDMA or Frequency Division Multiple Access to the much more advanced DSCMA or Dynamic Space-Code Multiple Access system.

Video Streaming in Evolving Networks Under Fuzzy Logic Control

Video Streaming in Evolving Networks Under Fuzzy Logic Control

Martin Fleury, Emmanuel Jammeh, Rouzbeh Razavi, Sa | Technology
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This is a study based on broadly surveying the development of video streaming across evolving telecommunication networks under different forms of control necessary to ensure the quality of the delivered video.

Energy Saving Drives New Approaches to Telecommunications Power System

Energy Saving Drives New Approaches to Telecommunications Power System

Rais Miftakhutdinov | Technology
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A study on how new approaches to energy saving drives help the vastly growing telecommunication industry come up with more efficient, power saving solutions.

Solid Waste Management through the Application of Thermal Methods

Solid Waste Management through the Application of Thermal Methods

Konstantinos Moustakas, Maria Loizidou | Technology
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A study on how the application of various treatment methods, technologies and practices help in effectively managing solid waste.

Flexible Power Amplifier Architectures for Spectrum Efficient Wireless Applications

Flexible Power Amplifier Architectures for Spectrum Efficient Wireless Applications

Alessandro Cidronali, Iacopo Magrini, Gianfranco M | Technology
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A study on how the use of dynamic spectrum access techniques will provide wide bandwidth to mobile users through the evolution of wireless systems known as “beyond the 3rd generation” or B3G.

Towards Socialized Machines: Emotions and Sense of Humour in Conversational Agents

Towards Socialized Machines: Emotions and Sense of Humour in Conversational Agents

Michal Ptaszynski, Pawel Dybala, Shinsuke Higuhi, | Technology
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A study on how combining different affect analysis systems help in making the next step on the path to a naturally chatting agent.

Remote Sensing and the Disaster Management Cycle

Remote Sensing and the Disaster Management Cycle

Karen E. Joyce, Kim C. Wright, Sergey V. Samsonov, | Technology
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A study on how to remotely sense and manage disasters focusing on remote sensing, reducing, readiness, response and recovery of disasters.